Learning goals of the workshop (Lernziele des Workshops)
- After the workshop, participants will be able to experiment the creativity process foster creativity thinking in their projects, business idea and life.
- Exercise the creative thinking techniques: How-Might-We, Analogy Thinking and Opposite Thinking.
Target group(s) of the workshop (Zielgruppe(n) des Workshops)
Employees of SMEs/corporations of all levels / job titles
Required prior knowledge (Erforderliches Vorwissen)
No specific prior knowledge expected. Just “be open to it”.
(probably an “assessment questionnaire” to be filled out by the participants at least 1 week before the workshop / or a prior reading that will be sent)
Didactic concept (Didaktisches Konzept, Fokus online)
Online Workshop
- 30 min inputs from trainer
- 35 min hands on work with tools (breakout sessions/small groups)
- 25 min exchange of results / plenary discussion