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DI Bettina Haslhofer BSc

Completing an internship during her studies enabled Bettina Haslhofer to start work with HABAU Hoch- und Tiefbaugesellschaft m.b.H. in the long-term.
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Key data

Job description:Construction engineer in the field of general contracting and industrial construction
Company: HABAU Hoch- und Tiefbaugesellschaft m.b.H
I work in: Perg and Vienna, Austria
I’ve worked here since: 2013
My contact

What I do:

My core role is to support the project management on-site. This primarily includes activities such as accounting and performance specifications and assessments. I am also responsible for dealing with any required changes. This includes monetary assessment and monitoring of compliance with the required deadlines and quality standards. The drafting of tender documents and requests for tender are also key roles of an engineer working for a general contractor.

Why I love my job:

  • I am motivated by working independently.
  • Different challenges and meeting people of different nationalities, characters and abilities make my work interesting and varied.
  • A structure is created. The dynamism of a building site is motivating.

Important skills in my job:

  • Passion and commitment. The job is very demanding but if you enjoy it, you get a lot back.
  • Decisiveness. The ability to objectively assess situations, keep an eye on what is most important and make spontaneous decisions when required. Making the wrong decision is usually better than making the right decision too late. This requires the ability to deal with and learn from mistakes.
  • Personal responsibility. There are many people involved in the development of a project. Each individual in the team needs to act responsibly and be prepared to take responsibility for the cost, time and decisions made.

My biggest accomplishment so far:

I consider it a success when I notice that I am gaining the respect or trust of team or project members. It spurs me on. Once you are able to demonstrate professional expertise, you don’t need to be so assertive. Whether old or young, male or female – you gain recognition and respect.

How I found my current job:

I completed an internship at the company during my studies. In my opinion, this is a good approach and has benefits for both sides. It allows the company or department to find out who they are appointing and vice versa.

What I learned for this job during my studies:

  • The education at FH JOANNEUM provided me with a broad range of professional knowledge, consolidated my basic knowledge and expertise and in particular taught me to register and filter knowledge according to my personal interests. I consider this to be particularly important because the construction industry is very fast-paced and materials, construction methods and legal conditions are constantly changing.
  • Action = Reaction, an equation which is relevant far beyond statistics.
  • It is very beneficial in team work to develop the essential skill of finding solutions to tasks or problems which do not relate to reference projects and instead draw on scientific or new findings in construction technology or the field of construction management.

Job prospects in my field:

I am convinced that, if you are committed to your studies and prepared to acquire additional experience in the form of internships during the course, you will be able to find a suitable job or career, just like I did.

I am:

  • curious, committed and flexible
  • structured
  • open to problem-solving

About my job:

I was lucky enough to be deployed to a large building site after a short training period at the company headquarters (quantity surveys). It was here at this building site that I discovered a field where I could apply my strengths perfectly. I am motivated to develop myself further and am not reluctant to take on leadership positions. All in good time. I very much appreciate the fact that my colleagues let me grow and are prepared to share their knowledge with me.
I am proud to work for a company which does not rest on its laurels, instead staying on the ball and pursuing the company’s long-term goals which also benefits me as an employee.
I would recommend graduates not to be deterred from their path, to set long-term goals and to do everything they can to achieve them. I am a very ambitious and target-driven person and probably my own greatest critic. Perhaps this will bring me success in the long-term.

“There is only one proof of ability – action.” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Bettina Haslhofer 6

Bettina Haslhofer finds the dynamics of building sites fascinating.

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Bettina Haslhofer considers it a success when she notices that she is gaining the respect and trust of team or project members.

Bettina Haslhofer 8

The different challenges make Bettina Haslhofer’s work interesting and varied.

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