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Department Engineering

Electronics and Computer Engineering


Do I meet the admission requirements?

German is the language of instruction. Knowledge of the German language is thus an essential prerequisite (at least Level B2).

Qualification for university entrance

You can apply for a programme at FH JOANNEUM if you have completed

  • a secondary academic school or a college for higher vocational education,
  • a vocational matriculation exam or
  • an apprenticeship diploma plus upper secondary certificate


If you have completed a technical college (HTL) with a focus on electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, IT or similar you may have several courses credited in the first or second semester.

If you have any questions please contact our office:
T: +43 (0)5453 – 8480

You have no university entrance qualification

If you have no secondary school leaving or vocational matriculation certificate you need

  • a university entrance qualification exam or
  • a relevant professional qualification plus additional exams

You need to provide evidence that you have passed the relevant exams until the start of studies.

Qualification course for university entrance

A university entrance qualification exam always consists of five modules.

A university entrance qualification entitling students to study for a degree within the Engineering or Natural Sciences groups of studies will be fully recognised for this degree programme.

Relevant professional qualifications plus additional examinations

Relevant professional qualifications include

  • a completed apprenticeship (e.g. electronics/electrical engineering, information and communication technology, metalworking, mechanical engineering etc.) or
  • completion of a secondary vocational school (e.g. biomedical and health engineering, chemistry, IT, electronics, mechatronics etc.).

You must complete the following subjects

  • Essay on a general topic (German),
  • Mathematics 2,
  • Physics and
  • English.

You are not an Austrian citizen?

You’ll need to meet certain requirements. For more information please go to International Applicants.

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