The DualEdu project aims to introduce dual higher education in Serbia. 14 partners from Serbia, Germany, Austria, France, Spain and Poland work together to achieve this goal. The basic idea is to implement a dual education system that can respond flexibly enough to the needs of the labor market and companies, based on a sufficiently specialized curriculum that can be implemented at universities.
The experts from the participating institutions start with the development of the education system based on the input and output parameters to be determined (environment – demand – expected results). This phase will be followed by the pilot project (study programme in the IT sector), which will be carried out in several Serbian institutions, and provides an insight into the functioning of dual training & education in practice.
Thirteen companies will enable the first interested students to take part in a dual training program. Based on the experiences of these companies and students, the project results then are evaluated. The Austrian project team will coordinate the work package for quality management, in particular ensuring the intermeshing of teaching and practice at an academic level.