Status Quo
In the project NoHate@WebStyria, scholars from different disciplines (legal, political, social and media sciences) will deal with the effects and consequences of the constant use of digital media, focusing on digital communication options such as social media (eg Facebook, Twitter) or newspaper forums. Using the current topic “Online Hate Speech” as an example, new societal challenges are being analyzed on different levels, with the aim of raising the status quo on the subject of online hate speech in Styria. In particular, three aspects will be discussed in more detail: What is medically possible, what is legally permitted and what is ethically acceptable?
Awareness Raising and Counter Strategies
On this basis, recommendations for different stakeholders, a commentary on the relevant standards of Austrian law and a practical guide to the current legal situation are developed, which will help to raise awareness of this socially virulent problem. On the one hand, the project examines new stress tests for democratic principles (macro level) and for media institutions, consulting institutions and institutions affected by Hate Speech (meso level). On the other hand, health and safety risks for the public are analyzed (micro level).
Project Partners
- The European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (University of Graz) (Project lead)
- Antidiscrimination Office Styria
- Web Literacy Lab der FH JOANNEUM: Susanne Sackl-Sharif, Eva Goldgruber and Sonja Radkohl