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Let’s learn innovative logistics

FH JOANNEUM, 28. July 2020
Let's learn innovative logistics 6

The online event “Let’s learn innovative logistics” took place on 8 July. The webinar centered on the presentation of the “Let’s learn innovative logistics” platform and how to foster innovation. Maja Pivec, professor and coordinator of the platform at FH JOANNEUM, moderated the online event.

Get Outta My Car, Get Into My Dreams

The first presentation was given by Dan Podjed of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts at the University of Ljubljana. Behind the title “Get Outta My Car, Get Into My Dreams: How to Change Mobility Habits” he explored the possibilities of using the human strive for competition for a sustainable concept of movement.

The car is a relic of the 20th century

Based on the concept of co-competition, the app 1, 2, 3 Ljubljana is intended to help promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce the environmental impact of transport. It was developed by CVS Mobile, the research centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana.
1, 2, 3 Ljubljana provides the user with a statistical overview of his or her movement habits. It divides them into walking, running, cycling, moving by public transport or car. This representation shows that each step contributes to the well-being of the individual, but also to a cleaner and healthier environment.But in a next step, the app offers the opportunity to compete against others as individuals or as a whole city – challenging entire communities to make a greater contribution to changing their environment by increasing the distance they walk, run or cycle.

Let’s learn innovative logistics

The LLiL platform offers e-learning courses in innovation and logistics. DI(FH) Anika Kronberger and Michael Forster BA from the FH JOANNEUM presented the platform “Let’s learn innovative Logistics”. The platform and courses are result of the project coordinated by Poleng, Poland with project partners FH JOANNEUM, Austria, Wysza Skola Logistyki, Poland and CIS – Scuola per Gestione D’Impresa in Italy. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Are you an innovation designer or an innovation implementer?

The LLiL e-learning platform is a platform that offers e-learning courses. The aim of the different courses is to provide participants with a good introduction to the topic of innovation and to help to improve missing skills. “Are you an innovation designer or an innovation implementer?” is the central question that has to be answered supported by the character test. After registering on the platform, individual lessons are suggested based on strengths and weaknesses verified by the completed character test.
Lessons are selected from the four courses Innovation Design, From the Idea to its Implementation, Innovation Absorption and Innovation Logistics. All the courses on the platform are available in English, Polish, Italian and German and registration and participation is free for all.

The concept of Drone Care

After presentations on the mobility of the future and the lessons needed for a future innovation career, the future of transport was illustrated by means of a current challenge. Rene Dopler and Samanta Pahole from the University of Ljubljana presented their research results and a concept of drone assisted transport Drone Care.

The relationship between drones and humans in times of COVID-19

Originally developed as weapons, drones have great potential in terms of social support. The current Covid 19 pandemic has highlighted some of these capabilities. In several countries, drones have been used to measure the temperature of pedestrians and monitor restrictions on social distance. But especially in hilly areas of Austria and Slovenia, drones could help to reach remote areas more quickly.

Rene Dopler and Samantha Pahole presented their studies on social acceptance and necessary legal developments as well as some insights into the “Drone Care” apps, which offers elements for overcoming social distance through drones and demonstrates how emotionless technology could get amended with emotional component and be used for care for others.

The Drone Care concept was developed at an international co-creation camp in May by a group of students of the Master’s programme Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design at FH JOANNEUM Graz, Institute of Design and Communication, and students of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. The challenge of the co-creation event was: “How can we create solutions for the future which are sustainable, planet-centred, people-friendly and also fun?” In the research and co-creation process mentored by Maja Pivec and Dan Podjed, students focused on two urban challenges: waste management and mobility.

The presentations in the webinar showed that collaboration and working in interdisciplinary teams, as for example teams consisting of designers, anthropologists, engineers, product designers, is necessary to develop sustainable solutions. In the concluding discussion it was pointed out that for creating new technological and service development thinking outside the box and looking for completely new way is difficult but necessary. In addition, it is very important to consider ethical issues and how these new solutions will influence society and environment.


Here you can find more info about the platform “Let’s learn innovative logistics” an about Maja Pivec.

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