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Research Area

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Innovation & Entrepreneurship 1

Entrepreneurship − the founding and renewing of companies as well as the related research − attracts more and more attention in science but, but also in economy and media. In the age of digitization, globalization and disruption, innovation is no longer a luxury asset, but means economic survival. This applies equally to start-ups as drivers of our innovative strength as well as to established companies as pillars of our economy.

Entrepreneurs must succeed internationally from day one. Managers are responsible for preparing their business for the challenges ahead. Employees must be able to realize their creative potential and develop intrapreneurial skills. Also universities are strongly challenged to keep up with this development: The interdisciplinary field is becoming increasingly dynamic and complex. Subdisciplines such as inno-, eco- or edupreneurship emerge, other areas such as corporate, international, female or social entrepreneurship reach mature levels and partially merge.

The Institute for International Management researches and reflects on these trends, develops innovative project and training concepts based on them and supports both start-ups and established companies in integrating and implementing them. Projects are done with global corporations as well as with regional start-ups, local authorities and universities in order to jointly develop evidence-based solutions for the coming challenges.

The portfolio ranges from international projects, studies and educational offers to company commissioned projects:

  • GEM − the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor − is the largest international comparative study in Entrepreneurship. The Institute for International Management carries out the investigation since 2005 for Austria.
  • Company projects in the field of business development, business modelling and market potential analysis for global corporations as well as start-ups.
  • Developing intrapreneurship MOOCs with more than 3,000 learners from 98 countries, honoured with an international award.
  • Collaboration with a European consortium of business and academia to create synergies between the start-up world, established companies and academia through innovative training methods.
  • Numerous other international research projects are delving into sections of the discipline.
  • Organization of the European Youth Award at FH JOANNEUM.
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