In the MOOC Camp we will train the AtLETyC project partners how to create a MOOC and everybody who is interested into our approach to MOOCs is welcome as well.
To give you the real MOOC feeling we will use all elements of a MOOC in these three weeks.
Target Group
The MOOC targets everybody who is interested into a MOOC and especially into the back stage processes of how to build a MOOC.
- Week 1: Getting started and socialize
- Week 2: Text in MOOCs
- Week 3: Multimedia in MOOCs and reflection
The people behind the MOOC Camp (at FH JOANNEUM)
- Jutta Pauschenwein, Head of ZML-Innovative Learning Scenarios, likes to learn in MOOCs. In 2014 and 2015 she already offered a MOOC about Global Collaboration in collaboration with Doris Kiendl-Wendner. Based on her experiences as learner, facilitator and convener she reflects about MOOC designs, discusses her approach in the e-learning community and uses her know how in the MOOC camp.
- Thomas Sommerer is a member of the ZML team. He’s doing research about MOOCs for his master thesis and his competences cover the creation of learning materials.
- Doris Kiendl-Wendner, Head of the Institute of International Management, was involved in the cope15 MOOC as well. She is interested into online collaboration and MOOCs and international projects.
- Elizabeta Valentic, Institute of International Management, leads the AtLETyC project and is looking forward to learn in the MOOC Camp how to build a MOOC.