Residence de-registration
Before leaving Austria, it is important that you de-register from your place of residence up to three days before your departure. Take your current registration form (Meldezettel) to the relevant registration office and cancel your registration.
Cancelling your ÖGK health insurance
Please make sure you cancel / de-register from the insurance company. You need to submit the cancellation form from the municipality (Meldezettel) to the insurance company to do so. Please note that your insurance protection is only valid while you are registered at your place of residence.
ERNST MACH grant holders
Please hand in your final report at the International Relations department two weeks before your departure.
Transcript of Records
The Transcript will be sent directly to your home university after your stay.
Confirmation of stay
The confirmation of stay from your home university can be signed by the International Relations department. If your university does not have such a form, the International Relations department can issue you with one, on request.
Sign our guestbook
There is a guestbook in the International Office at each campus. Please make your mark here before you leave! We really appreciate these entries and fondly remember the students who have left them.