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Dates & Application Requirements


Here you will find all deadlines and requirements for your semester abroad.


Before submitting the application: When you decide to study abroad, the first step is to get in touch with the international coordinator of your degree programme and apply for it. There are different deadlines at different departments.

Deadlines for Erasmus+ and Joint Study Applications

The deadlines for submitting the application to the department of International Relations are:

  • 1 June for the following autumn semester
  • 1 November for the following spring semester

General Application Requirements

The general application requirements for your stay abroad are:
complete submitted application at your degree program (specific regulations for each department)
complete submitted application at the International Relations Office
completed the first 2 study semesters at FH JOANNEUM
good academic standing

Specific Application Requirements for Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is a program of the European Union for funding stays abroad at higher education institutions. The specific application requirements (additional to gereral application requirements) are:
you are accepted to study for one or two semesters at a partner university
* the duration of your stay abroad is between
2 and 12 months* (per study cycle)

In every cycle (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) Erasmus mobilities up to 12 months will be possible independent of type (SMS, SMP) and number of mobilities (e.g. 1 mobility for studies for 5 months and 2 mobilities for traineeship for 2 and 5 months = max.12 months).

Erasmus+ Student Charter

To promote Erasmus+ students’ awareness of their rights and obligations, each Erasmus student will receive an Erasmus+ Student Charter from their home university before leaving for the study period abroad. The Charter is a short information leaflet that tells Erasmus+ students what they are entitled to and also what they are expected to do during their secondment.

The Erasmus+ Student Charter outlines the basic entitlements of the Erasmus+ students, such as free tuition and full recognition of studies abroad. The Charter also specifies the main obligations of the Erasmus+ students, providing them with a concise idea of their duties in respect to both their home and host universities. It will be issued to all Erasmus+ students by their home universities before they leave for their study period abroad.

Special situation Switzerland

The deadlines mentioned above as well as the general requirements also apply to a semester abroad in Switzerland. The biggest difference, however, is that funding is provided by Switzerland. For more information please get in contact with the Swiss partner institution.

Deadlines for a Marshall Plan Scholarship for research in the USA:

  • 21 October for reserach in summer term (earliest start end of January)

In addition to the general requirements, there are others:

  • A research paper in a technical field must be written.
  • The minimum duration is three full months.
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