Credit for the workload you achieved abroad
The courses you have actually completed must be filled in to the form “Learning Agreement – Section to be completed after the mobility” (Erasmus+) or “Antrag-Anerkennung-Studienerfolgsnachweis” (Joint Study, Freemover) where you proposed your study programme abroad. The head of your department has to review and confirm this form in order to give you credit for the workload you achieved abroad. In order to prove that you have completed the courses you will need the Transcript of Records which was issued by your host institution.
For beneficiaries of the Austrian study grant this document also serves as proof to be submitted to the study grant office.
For Erasmus+ students:
In addition, for ERASMUS+ stays abroad, the EU Survey in Erasmus Online must be completed and a confirmation of stay must be submitted. If you have also received a Top-Up, then the relevant evidence must also be uploaded in Mobility Online. After that the last rate of the ERASMUS+ grant will be paid.