Course Changes
The course changes are generated in Mobility Online and entered into the Learning Agreement under the item “Section to be completed during the mobility” and have it confirmed by your host university in the “receiving institution” section. The changes must be submitted to your coordinator of FH JOANNEUM within one month after starting your studies at the host institution. The signed version must be uploaded to Mobility Online.
The Learning Agreement has to be identical with the Transcript of Records from the receiving institution in order to get full credit for all courses finished at the host institution.
Other programmes (Joint Study, Freemover)
If your study programme changes during your studies abroad, you must change this in Mobility Online and forward the form “Changes to the proposed study programme “ to your degree programme at FH JOANNEUM for approval and signature. The signed changes will be uploaded to Mobility Online.
In order to prove that you have completed the courses you will need the Transcript of Records which was issued by your host institution.