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Full of Power (Electronics)

Nina Blasonig, 17. December 2020
Voller Power (Electronics)

Alexander Baumgartner is studying the masterโ€™s degree program Electronics and Computer Engineering. Photo: Private

Bachelor, Master, working besides, getting great grades and enjoying every moment of it? No problem for Alexander Baumgartner. His spirit is full of power (electronics).

Power electronics is the application of special electronic components combined with clever control algorithms to enable the conversion of electric power. What might seem strange or even boring to some people sparks a lightning in Alexanderโ€™s eyes. โ€œThis field is the one I want to focus at. Not only during my studies but as well in my future work lifeโ€, he explains.

After having finished the BULME Gรถsting he was convinced that Elektronik and Computer Engineering was the perfect study degree program for him. And it was. Even besides the full-time degree program he started to work at the company Kristl Seibt & Co GesmbH in Graz where he works in the field of test bench automatization for vehicles. In his team Alexander takes care of the launch of new electronic systems.
As the bachelorโ€™s degree program was successfully completed he was convinced that as well the masterโ€™s degree of Electronics and Computer Engineering would be the right choice for him.

โ€œThe course takes place in Kapfenberg, which is approx. 50 km away from Graz but as the connections to reach Kapfenberg are quite good, it is not a big problem to switch the campus. And I liked the idea of doing a specialization in power electronics very muchโ€, Alexander continues.

What inspires me at the institute Electronic Engineering at FH JOANNEUM is the high amount of practical parts in the courses, the very well-equipped labs and the possibility to work there even beyond of the courses.
Alexander Baumgartner

Admittedly this is a little bit more complicated at the moment because of the Corona-situation but generally it works pretty fine. But even at home Alex indulges his passion in his little spare time between studies and job. โ€œI love to repair and build up electronic devices, especially older HiFi-equipmentโ€, he smiles โ€œmaybe this sounds a little bit weird for others but I really like every part of it.
Except moments where the magic smoke that makes everything work leaves the semiconductors. Thatโ€™s kind of uncool.

Any recommendations for prospective applicants of Electronics and Computer Engineering? โ€œYou need to have a fundamental knowledge out of the bachelorโ€™s degree program and prepare your application pretty well. If you are then invited to the admission interview show what you have learned, have a plan about your professional life and convince with passion!


More information about the masterโ€™s degree program Electronics and Computer Engineering here.

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