Delicious looking photographs of food
can be found using the popular hashtag
foodporn, especially on social media,
but not only online is food positioned
perfectly in a scene. The aim of this
thesis is to define the term food photography,
as well as identify areas of use
and types of applications. In addition
the history of this photographic genre
is described, from the beginnings to the
present time. Furthermore, the most
important basic principles of equipment
and arrangement are specified and
explained. The area of food styling is also
briefly explored. In the practical section
of this thesis, different styles of food
photography are described and put into
practice. In addition, the development
process of shooting and editing photographs
from different styles is documented
and illustrated. Furthermore,
additional styles and current trends
are also presented. Interviews with
selected people from the field of food
photography provide a very personal
look into their work and passion. Their
opinions, advice, tips and trends are
also collected and presented.