Rapidly growing cities and a world which is changing in dramatic fashion are making it necessary for us to adjust to a paradigm shift. The traditional European city with a centre and outskirts is gradually disappearing. It is being replaced by a world of networks, links and multipolarities. But how do we create a city which can accommodate these new realities of life? We believe that the key to successful cities lies in their human values, in shared creativity and design experiments.
Work on this project led to a lively exchange between the various partners, creating a network of city stakeholders all pursuing the same goals and visions. They advocate new forms of urban practice, designed by residents, researchers and designers.
To obtain answers to these challenges and share them with creatives, city planners and activists, the partners in this programme have developed a range of formats:
- a state of the art collection with 85 best practice projects
- nine co-creation events
- experiments in ten cities
- prototypes, tested by the general public and residents
- nine exhibitions within the major European design events
- two publications
- ten workshops
- ten international conferences
- five master classes
- an interactive digital exhibition catalogue
The Human Cities website, the creation of a Human Citizens community and links to international networks and to UNESCO Creative Cities make it possible to reach a global audience.