The Institute of Internet Technology and Applications at FH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg and six European partner countries are participating in the project. The desire is to help transfer R&D innovations into the economy of the Danube region by improved networking between R&D, SMEs, communities and government, tailored to the different needs of the countries participating in the project.
An important outcome of the project is to develop and test three tools to promote macro-regional embeddedness of research infrastructures.
These include:
- a public procurement handbook,
- a guideline for supporting the economic environment and
- a guide for dissemination activities.
To ensure the sustainability of the policy, seven national action plans and a joint action plan will be developed and a transnational RI2integrate committee covering all Danube countries will be funded.
In addition, as a policy-driven novelty, the project is creating synergies between different EU and regional funding instruments.