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Media owner
FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH
Alte Poststraße 149
A-8020 Graz
T: +43 316 5453 – 0
Company details:
Legal form: GmbH
Registered office: Graz
Court of registry: Landesgericht für ZRS Graz (Court of Civil Procedure in Graz)
Company registration: FN 125888 f
VAT-No. (UID): ATU 42361001
Bank account:
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Steiermark AG
Radetzkystrasse 15 – 17, 8010 Graz, Austria
IBAN: AT24 3800 0000 0565 0650
T: +43 316 5453 – 8880
FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH acts as the operating company of FH JOANNEUM in the province of Styria. The purpose of the company is to operate FH degree programmes in accordance with the Federal Act of Universities of Applied Sciences (FHG). The company is a non-profit organisation within the meaning of the Federal Tax Code (BAO).
The company has a share capital of 4 million euros held by:
- Land Steiermark (majority shareholder): € 3.004.000,-
- JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH: € 596.000,-
- Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (SFG): € 400.000,-
The shareholders’ agreement of FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH stipulates the following governing bodies:
- Managing Director
- General Meeting of Shareholders
- Supervisory Board
The organisational concept also includes the heads of the individual degree programmes and the Teaching Board, which was established in 2007.
Company structure and governing bodies
The object of FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH is to establish, maintain and provide University of Applied Sciences (FH) degree programmes within the meaning of the FHG and to provide further training as well as post-secondary and post-tertiary education.
Supervisory Authority:
Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria
Applicable legal provisions and access:
Accreditation provisions according to the University of Applied Sciences Act (FHG), Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (HS-QSG), Midwifery Act (HebG), Federal Act Regulating High Level Allied Health Professions (MTD-G), Health Care and Nursing Act (GuKG), including the relevant ordinances, accessible at and
The competences and duties of the Director are set out in the rules of procedure. The managing director acts as the joint representatives of the company and are authorised to make legally binding statements. The company’s central planning, administrative, controlling, and IT functions are directly assigned to the Management.
Managing Directors:
- Rector (FH) FH-Prof. Dr. mont. Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki, Scientific Managing Director
- Mag. Martin Payer, MBA, Financial Managing Director
Supervisory Board
In May 2002 a Supervisory Board was established, which discharges its duties pursuant to the law on limited liability companies, the stipulations of the shareholders’ agreement, and shareholder resolutions. The Supervisory Board presently consists of the following members.
- Mag. Dr. Markus Tomaschitz, MBA
Deputy Chairperson:
- Mag. Friedrich Möstl
Other Members:
- Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Elke Gruber
- Klaus Hatzl, MA
- Mag. Gernot Pagger
- Mag. Daniela Schachner-Blazizek, MPA
- Mag. Brigitte Schafarik
- Mag. Gerlinde Siml
- Mag. Sara Tunner
Staff Representatives:
- Brigitte Loder-Fink, MSc
- DI Takashi Linzbichler
- FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Peter Salhofer
- FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Kaja Unger
- Mag Eva Zischka
Heads of Degree Programmes
The Head of Degree Programme is responsible for the educational activities within his or her degree programme – both in terms of scientific and didactic quality and economic effectiveness. The Head of Degree Programme decides on requests submitted by applicants and students. He or she reports directly to the Management and is supported by the central departments of the company in all legal, administrative, and personnel-related issues as well as matters relating to procurement, construction, and financing.
Board of FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences
The Board of FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences, established pursuant to Sec. 10 (2) of the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (FHG) includes the Head of the Board, his/her Deputy, representatives from the heads of degree programmes, representatives from the teaching and research staff and student representatives.
Rector (FH)
- Rector (FH) FH-Prof. Dr. mont. Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki
Vice-Rector (FH)
- Vice-Rector (FH) Mag. Martina König, MA
Alte Poststrasse 149
A-8020 Graz
T: +43 316 5453 – 0
FH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg
Werk-VI-Strasse 46
A-8605 Kapfenberg
T: +43 3862 33600 – 8300
FH JOANNEUM Bad Gleichenberg
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Strasse 24
A-8344 Bad Gleichenberg
T: +43 316 5453 – 6700
Kral Klaus (ZIT)