FH JOANNEUM Health and Tourism Management Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24 Room KF24.02.223 8344 Bad Gleichenberg Austria
Professional Developement: Study of Medicine, Medical University Graz, Austria . 1989-1993: research assistant at the physiological department of the Medical University of Graz, Austria. Co-investigator of a spaceflight experiment; lecturer in physiology.Main research topics: cardiovascular physiology, space flight medicine.
1993: faculty of the life science department of the International Space University ISU Summer Courses held in Huntsville, Alabama.
1993-1996: science coordinator at ESA (European Space Agency) ESTEC, The Netherlands. Coordination and organisation of the medical experimentation programme performed during 2 manned space flight missions within the frame of EUROMIR 94 and EUROMIR 95 missions.
1996-2001: referee of the health minister of the provincial government of Styria, Austria. topics: public health issues, health planning, prevention programmes, health promotion projects, telemedicine.
Since July 1999 external expert / evaluator for the European Commission, Brussels, General Directorate Information Society (DG XIII – Telecommunication and Health) and General Directorate Life Science (DG XII – Public Health) within the 5th and 6th Frame Programme.
Since 01.01.02 - current : Head of the degree programme „Health and Tourism Management, FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences, Bad Gleichenberg. Austria.Core competences: leadership, management, developement of R&D Projects.
Additional Training: 2001: MAS - study of telemedicine at FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria1997: training and certificate “Public Health Officer”, Government of Styria, Austria 1992: Certificate of the International Space University, Interdisciplinary Summer Courses in Kitakyushu, Japan 1991: training and diploma in nutritional medicine, University of Vienna, AKE Stays Abroad: 1990: joint study with the Ames Research Center, NASA, Moffet Field, California, USA1991: joint studies with the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology in Bratislawa, Slovakia 1992: water immersion study at the Physiological Department of the Free University in Berlin 1990- 1993: several stays in Russia, CIS, France, Germany, Italy within the frame of the Austrian Space Flight Mission “Austromir” space flight missions 1993-1996: Netherlands, European Space Agency ESTEC, Life Science Coordinator for 2 space flight missions within the project “EUROMIR 94 & 95”.
Teaching Activities: 1990-2000: Physiology for medical students at Physiological Department at the Medical University of Graz, Austria 1990-1993: teaching physiology, balneotherapy, and pharmacology for physiotherapists and nurses at the Academy for Physiotherapy and Nursing School in Graz, Austria Since 2002 senior lecturer for the topics: "Health, Addiction and Consumption" as well as "Biological Basics" at the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM GmbH, Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
List of Publications:
Tuttner, S., Amort, F., Adamer-König, E. (2020). Primärversorgung - Angewandte Forschungsprojekte des Instituts Gesundheits- und Tourismusmanagement der FH JOANNEUM. Paper will be presented at the Pre-conference ÖGPH in November 2020.
Adamer-König, E., Illing, K, Amort, F. (2018). Auswirkungen von Demographie und Epidemiologie auf den Gesundheitstourismus im Jahr 2030. In: Axt-Gadermann, M. & Heise, P. (Hg.), Sport- und Gesundheitstourismus 2030: wie die „Generation plus“ den Markt verändert“. Berlin: Springer.
Adamer-König, E., & Hofer, K. (2018). Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Theoretische und praktische Befunde. Paper presented at the Internationale Getreidewirtschaftstagung (15. Juni), Velden.
Hofer-Fischanger, K., Tuttner, S., Amort, F. M., & Adamer-König, E. (2018). Aufbau kommunaler und organisationsbezogener Gesundheits- und Mobilitätskompetenz in der Südoststeiermark. Paper presented at the ÖPGK-Konferenz (24. Oktober 2018). Graz.
Tuttner, S., Adamer-König, E., Kamolz, L. (2018). MINI MED Botschafterinnen und Botschafter- Stärkung der Gesundheitskompetenz der Steirerinnen und Steirer. Paper presented at the ÖPGK-Conference 2018-Graz.
Adamer-König, E., Binder, D., Tuttner, S., Amort, F. (2017). Diffusion von Public Health Wissen in unterschiedlichen beruflichen Tätigkeitsfeldern von FH-AbsolventInnen. Österreichische Public Health Tagung. Eisenstadt, 11-12. 03. 2017
Amort, F. & Adamer-König, E. (2017). Bewegungsinitiativen für die Steiermark. In E. Gollner, F. Schnabl, M. Thaller-Schneider, B. Szabo & B. Leyer (Hrsg.). Gesundheitsförderung konkret – Ein forschungsgeleitetes Lehrbuch für die Praxis. (S. 234-240). Band 1, Lehrbuchreihe der FH Burgendland, 1. Auflage, Wien, 2017. (ISBN: 978-3-902976-97-0) Verlag Holzhausen.
Hofer, K. & Adamer-König, E. (2017). Entwicklung eines Leitfadens für die Gesundheitsförderung in kommunalen Lebensräumen. In Gollner, E., Szabo, B. et al. (Hrsg.). Gesundheitsförderung konkret. Ein forschungsgeleitetes Lehrbuch für die Praxis (208-220). Band 1, Lehrbuchreihe der FH Burgenland, 1. Auflage, Wien, 2017. (ISBN: 978-3-902976-97-0) Verlag Holzhausen
Fuchs-Neuhold, B. & Adamer-König, E. (2017). Gesundheitsfolgenabschätzung (GFA) im Kommunalen Setting am Beispiel Verkehr – Pilotprojekt zum Ausbau der B 68. In Gollner, E., Szabo, B. et al. (Hrsg.). Gesundheitsförderung konkret. Ein forschungsgeleitetes Lehrbuch für die Praxis (221-233). Band 1, Lehrbuchreihe der FH Burgendland, 1. Auflage, Wien, 2017. (ISBN: 978-3-902976-97-0) Verlag Holzhausen
Adamer-König, E. & Amort, F. (Hrsg). (2014). Gesundheit partizipativ gestalten, fördern und erforschen. Dokumentation zur Tagung des D/A/CH-Netzwerkes Gesundheitsförderung. Graz, FH Joanneum.
Adamer-König, E., Neuhold B. (2012). Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention multisektoral: Wie weit sind wir? 6. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Tagungsband 4: „Multisektorale Gesundheitsförderung“, Auflage 2012.
Burgsteiner H., Wallner D., Simi H., Adamer-König E. (2011) PEDIS – Design und Entwicklung eines Leistungsdiagnostischen Informationssystems. In Pfeiffer K.P., Burgsteiner H. (Hrsg.) Festschrift für Helfried Maresch. FH & Health Care Engineering. Leykam Verlag. Graz
Abuzahra M.; Grasser G.; Binder D.; Adamer-König E., Gesundheitsmanagement im Tourismus: ein Beitrag zu „Health in All Policies“? Proceedings ÖPGH Tagung, Linz 2010
Walzl E., Adamer-König E.; Plasencia Suarez M.I., Bauerstätter K. Womens`s lives – Lives worth living. Empowering disadvantaged women through eduactional measures. Posterpräsentation ÖPGH Tagung Linz, 2010
Adamer-König E.; Walzl E., Plasencia Suarez M.I. „FrauenLeben-LebensWert“ Zonta-Netzwerken. Ein Frauen-Bildungsprojekt des Zonta-Clubs Feldbach (Poster and Proceedings), EUFEP Tagung, Baden 2009
Simi H., Konrad M., Wasler A., Wallner D., Adamer-König E. Einzellfallstudie: Das Verhalten ausgewählter metaboler Parameter während eines Radrennens in Ultradistanz am Beispiel des Race Across America (RAAM). In Österreichische Gesellschaft für Alpin- und Höhenmedizin und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Alpin- und Höhenmedizin (Hrsg.) Alpinmedizinischer Rundbrief 40. Wallgau, München, 2009
Simi H., Konrad M., Wasler A., Wallner D., Adamer-Koenig E. Das Verhalten ausgewählter metaboler Parameter während eines Radrennens in Ultradistanz am Beispiel des Race Across America (RAAM). Einzelfall-studie. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Österr. Gesellschaft für Alpin- & Höhenmedizin, der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Berg- & Expeditionsmedizin und der ARGE Alpinmedizin. 7.-9.11. Ramsau, 2008
Grasser G., Adamer-Koenig E., Bedeutung der Gesundheitsberichterstattung. In: Steiermark Innovation. Graz: Leykam Beitrag in Herausgeberband, 2005
Adamer-Koenig E., Miller W.J., A New Degree Programme for Future Spa-Managers: Health Management in Tourism. Proceedings LEISURE FUTURES CONFERENCE, Bozen, 2004
Adamer-Koenig E., Miller W.J. Health Management in Tourism – A New Degree Programme for Future Spa-Managers. Proceedings LEDU 2004-Conference, Cologne, pp 53, 2004.
NOSKOV V.B., SUKHANOV Y.V., VOLKOV A.A., HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., KÖNIG E.M., SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., VIEHBOCK F., KVETNANSKY R., JEZOVA D., MACHO L. Assessment of the reactivity of cosmonaut's hormonal regulation system during LBNP test during Russian-Austrian flight on board orbital station MIR. Aviation Space Environ. Med. 8: 33-37, 1994. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., V.B. NOSKOV, J. SCHMIED, R. ROEHRER, F. VIEHBÖCK, E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, C. ZAMBO-POLZ, H. HEIMEL and A.1. GRIGORIEV. Changes of blood / plasma composition with LBNP on ground and in space in one subject. Aviation Space Environ. Med. 65: 214-219, 1994. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G.,V.B. NOSKOV, D. JEZOVA, G. SAUSENG- FELLEGGER, G.F. FUEGER, Y. SUKHANOV, E.M. KÖNIG, C. ZAMBO-POLZ, C.BAROWITSCH, F. VIEHBOCK, L. MACHO, R. KVETNANSKY and A.I. GRIGORIEV. Hormonal changes with lower body suction on 6th day in weightlessness in one cosmonaut. Aviation Space Environ. Med. 64: 1000-1005, 1993. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER & C. ZAMBO. Early hemodilution after onset of lower body suction in humans. Am. J. Physiol. 63 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 32): H1270-H1275, 1992. KÖNIG E.M., G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, and H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY. Comparison of hemodynamic and volume responses to different levels of lower body suction and head-up tilt. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the IUPS Commission on Gravitational Physiology, Supplement to The Physiologist. Vol 36,#l pp 53-55, 1993. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., V. NOSKOV, K. KIRSCH, H.-C. GUNGA, FA. BAARTZ, J. SCHMIED, H. HEIMEL, E.M. KÖNIG, and G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER. International space flight experiments on human volume regulation - bodyfluids and tissue thickness. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the IUPS Commission on Gravitational Physiology, Supplement to The Physiologist Vol 36,#l pp 1993. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., E.M. KÖNIG, and H.-C. GUNGA. Transient blood/plasma density and hematocrit effects after passive (sitting) thermoneutral water immersion in men. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the IUPS Commission on Gravitational Physiology, Supplement to The Physiologist Vol 36,#l pp 116-118, 1993. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., and E.M. KÖNIG. Human nutrition under extraterrestrial conditions. Advances in Space Biology and Medicine, Vol 2, pp. 131-179, JAI Press Inc., 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., E.M. KÖNIG, NOSKOV V.B., and G. SAUSENG- FELLEGGER. Bodyfluids.In: Health from Space Research, pp 39-55, Ed: Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine. ISBN 3-211-82413-8 Springer-Verlag Vienna New York, 1992. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., E.M. KÖNIG, H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY, D. JEZOVÄ & M. VIGAS. Testing of neuroendocrine function in astronauts as related to fluid shifts. Acta Astronautica Vol.27, pp. 55-60, 1992. KÖNIG E.M., S. DOLL, and R. KURZ. Energy analysis. In: Space Solar Power Program, pp 11-36. International Space University Kitakyushu, Japan, 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, J. SCHMIED, H. HEIMEL, V.B. NOSKOV, and A.1. GRIGORIEV. No increase of sound velocity in venous blood and plasma with lower body suction on 6th day in micro-gravity. Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Space Medicine, pp241-248, Nagoya, Japan 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, V.B. NOSKOV and A.1. GRIGORIEV. Inflight investigation of fluid shift dynamics with a new method in one cosmonaut. 43rd IAF Congress Washington D.C. Congress paper #IAF IAA- 92-0260, pp 83, 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, J. SCHMIED, H. HEIMEL, V.B. NOSKOV and A.l. GRIGORIEV. Altered fluid shift dynamics with 6 days in micro-gravity. ESA ISY-4, Cosy 8 pp181-186, European "International Space Year" Conference, Munich, Germany, April 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., NOSKOV V., KOENIG E.M., SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., JEZOVA D. Bodyfluids - Reaktionsfaehigkeit des systems zur hormonellen regulierung der HomOeostase und der chemisch-physikalische Veraenderungen des Blutes waehrend des LBNP tests. In: Erstauswertung der Ergebnisse des russisch/oesterreichischen Raumfluges zur Orbitalstation MIR (Projekt AUSTROMIR) FGJ/PM-MIR (Hrsg.) S 82-87, 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., E.M. KÖNIG, J. SCHMIED & H. HEINEL. A new principle for dynamic fluid shift investigations in astronauts. Proc. 4th Eur Symp Life Sci in Space: esa SP-307, 129-32, 1990. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H. & E. KÖNIG. High-precision acoustic inflight blood/plasma analysis: a new method. Proceedings: ELGRA Ann. Meeting Utrecht-NL, 1990. ELGRA-news, Issue N-12, p. 73, 1990. Abstracts HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., KOENIG E.M., ROESSLER A. Plasma protein concentrations during head-up tilt vs. lower body suction in humans (abstract). FASEB 94: April 24-28, Anaheim-Califomia, 1994. KÖNIG E. M., G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, and H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY. Analysis of cardiovascular regulatory patterns in men. FASEB journal , abstracts part 2, Vol 7,#4, A 665. FASEB Meeting on Experimental Biology, New Orleans, March 28-April 1, 1993. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., V.B. NOSKOV, E.M. KÖNIG, and G. SAUSENG- FELLEGGER. Analysis of interstitial and hormone systems: g-G and 1-G. Aviation space Environ. Med. 64: p 439, 1993. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., KOENIG E.M., NOSKOV V., JEZOVA D., HINGHOFER- SZALKAY H. Brain and the cardiovascular system: Hormonal and autonomous mechanisms, investigated on ground and in space. 12th European Winter Conference on Brain Research, La Plagne-France, March 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., V.B. NOSKOV, E.M. KÖNIG, and G. SAUSENG- FELLEGGER. Analysis of interstitial and hormone systems: g-G and 1-G (abstract). Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Toronto-Canada, May 1993. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., D. JEZOVA, V.B. NOSKOV, E.M. KOENIG, H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY. Experiment "Bodyfluids": Neuroendocrine function and cardiovascular system (abstract). 10 th LAA Man in Space symposium, Tokyo, April 1993. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., V. B. NOSKOV, E. M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG- FELLEGGER. Body fluid shifts with LBNP on ground and in space (abstract). Symposium "Life Science in Space", Vienna, December 1992. KÖNIG E.M., G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, and H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY. Comparison of hemodynamic and volume responses to different levels of lower body suction and head-up tilt (abstract, presentation). 14th Annual Meeting of the IUPS Commission on Gravitational Physiology, Berlin, September, 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., E.M. KÖNIG, and H.-C. GUNGA. Transient blood/plasma density and hematocrit effects after passive (sitting) thermoneutral water immersion in men (abstract,). 14th Annual Meeting of the IUPS Commission on Gravitational Physiology, Berlin, September, 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., V. NOSKOV, K. KIRSCH, H.-C. GUNGA, F.-J. BAARTZ, J. SCHMIED, H. HEIMEL, E.M. KONIG, and G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER. International space flight experiments on human volume regulation - bodyfluids and tissue thickness (abstract). 14di Annual Meeting of the IUPS Commission on Gravitational Physiology, Berlin, September, 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., E.M. KÖNIG, and H.-C. GUNGA., Blood and plasma density, and hematocrit after sitting thermoneutral water immersion (TNWI) in men (abstract, presentation). Second international symposium on head-out water immersion, Berlin, September 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, V.B. NOSKOV and A.l. GRIGORIEV. Inflight investigation of fluid shift dynamics with a new method in one cosmonaut (abstract). World Space Congress, Washington D.C., September 1992. KÖNIG E.M., G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, and H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY. Kreislaufstress in Schwerelosigkeit (abstract, presentation). 4. Jahrestagung der österr. Gesellschaft f. Höhen- und Alpinmedizin und der österr. Gesellschaft für Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie, Bregenz, September 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H., E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER & C. ZAMBO. Transient filtration effects after changes of lower body pressure (abstract). FASEB Meeting, Anaheim, California, April 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., E.M. KÖNIG, G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, J. SCHMIED, H. IIEIMEL, V.B. NOSKOV, and A.I. GRIGORIEV. No increase of sound velocity in venous blood and plasma with lower body suction on 6th day in microgravity (abstract, presentation). 3rd International Symposium on Space Medicine in Nagoya, Japan, March 1992. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY H.G., E.M. KÖNIG, and G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER. Unexpected transient filtration after changes of lower body negative pressure (abstract). 69th meeting of die Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft, Düsseldorf, March 1992. KÖNIG E.M., SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., ZAMBO-POLZ C., & H.G. HINGHOFER- SZALKAY: Investigation of capillary filtration dynamics by means of continuous blood densitometry (abstract, presentation).Clin Hemorheology, November 1991. KÖNIG E.M., G. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER, C.ZAMBO & H. HINGHOFER-SZAKAY. A new method for high precision sound velocity inflight blood/plasma analysis (abstract, presentation). 39th Int. Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine, Stockholm, August 1991. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY, E.M. KÖNIG, & C. ZAMBO- POLZ. Effects of two different lower body negative pressure (LBNP) protocols on plasma aldosterone level (abstract). 5th World Congress for Microcirculation, Louisville, USA, August 1991. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., E.M. KÖNIG, H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY, D. JEZOVÄ & M. VIGAS. Testing of neuroendocrine function in astronauts as related to fluid shifts (abstract). 9th IAA Man in Space Symposium, June 1991. SAUSENG-FELLEGGER G., H. HINGHOFER-SZALKAY, E.M. KÖNIG, & C. ZAMBO- POLZ. Reflektorische Übergangseffekte bei Änderungen des Umgebungsdrucks am Unterkörper: Massendichte von Blut / Plasma und LBNP. Ost. Physiol. Gesellschaft, 1991.