FH JOANNEUM Architecture and Construction Engineering Alte Poststraße 154 8020 Graz
1981/85 BORG Birkfeld
1985/92 Study of landscape ecology and landscape design, BOKU Vienna, diploma thesis at the Institute for Spatial Planning; Internships at the district agricultural authority of the Styrian Provincial Government and in the Office Ökoplan, Graz
1993/94 Foreign language assistant in Clermont de l'Oise/France
1994/2000 Consultant in the Office for international relations of the KFU Graz for bilateral partnership agreements and foreign scholarships, https://international.uni-graz.at
since 1998 Owner of Technical office/Engineering office for landscape planning and landscape architecture in Graz, www.maria-baumgartner.com, focuses on municipal and participatory planning, hydro-ecological planning and electrosmog minimizing, spatial planning and consultancy, research projects on subsidized housing and youth participation, expert report activities and construction supervision
since 2003 Lecturer at the Institute for Landscape Planning, BOKU Vienna, www.rali.boku.ac.at/ilap
since 2013 Competition officer of the Specialist group Engineering offices, WKO Styria, www.ingenieurbueros.at/verband/de/wettbewerbe/wettbewerbsbeauftragte_der_ingenieurbueros
Since 2017 Lecturer at the Institute for Planning and Construction of the FH Joanneum as well as at the Institute for Urban Design, Landscape Architecture and Design of the Vienna University of Technology, https://ar.tuwien.ac.at/Fakultaet/Institute/Institut-fuer-Staedtebau-Landschaftsarchitektur-und-Entwerfen