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Martha Van Der Kleyn



Senior Lecturer (FH)


+43 (316) 5453 - 6610



Midwifery Sciences
Eggenberger Allee 11
Room EA11.04.444
8020 Graz


2017 Systematic review – RevMan - Cochrane Austria

2015 Master of Science in Public Health, Medical University Graz

2014 Medical Statistics, Donau Universität Krems

2014 “Projectmanagement Tool “Quint-essenz””, health promotion Radix, Luzern, Switzerland

2013 “University didactics”, 2 ECTS FH JOANNEUM; Graz,

2012 „Methodology and practical application of economic evaluation in healthcare”; Prof. Michael Drummond; 2 ECTS, Summerschool, School of Public Health, University Lugano, Switzerland

2012 “Quality management and evaluation in healthpromotion and prevention”, Petra Kolip, Medical University Graz, Austria

2011 „Implementation of Innovations in Health Care“; 7,5 ECTS University of Maastricht, Netherlands, Master of Science in Midwifery, module,

2011 „Staff Leadership“ and „Management of Health Facilities“, Malik Management, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland

2003 IBCLC - International Board of Certified Lactation Consultant, recertification in 2013

1990 Professional midwifery education/training, ROV in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Working experience

since March 2023 senior lecturer in parttime
2021-2023 head of the department health studies
2011-2023 Director of Institute for Midwifery, director degree programme Midwifery, university of applied sciences FH JOANNEUM, Graz.

Since 2006 Member of the Advisory Board of the Birth Register

Since 2014 Member Advisory Board Milupa Austria and Milupa Germany

2006-2013 Director and lactation commissioner of the regional midwives’ office and the Austrian Midwives’ Board (Österreichisches Hebammen Gremium)

2006-2010 Member of the Austrian Lactation Commission

1991-2010 Work as midwife in Austria, midwife’s practice „Rundum“, Bad Waltersdorf


Since 2017 Director Josef Ressel Centre for the Investigation of Early Life Metabolic Programming regarding Dispositions of Obesity.

Since 2017 Member development team “Guideline Pregnancycare”, Austrian Midwifery Association in cooperation with Cochrane Austria, Donau University Krems

Since 2013 Management regarding midwifery part, Health Perception Laboratory, FH JOANNEUM: „Perinatal Programming of Obesity in Childhood“, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (COIN / FFG)

Since 2011 Development and actual revision of AWMF Guideline “Management of 3rd and 4th degree perineal tears after vaginal birth. Guideline of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (AWMF registry No. 015/079)

2015 Management of the project „Evidence-Based Positioning of the Midwifery Centre Oberpinzgau“, Federal State of Salzburg

2014 Management regarding midwifery part in the context of the project „Evaluation Midwifery Centre Voitsberg“, Federal State of Styria

2010 Project „Quality Assurance of Midwives in Private Practice", Austrain Midwifery Association

2006 In the scope of the membership of the Austrian Lactation Commission: participation in the lactation study „Infant Nutrition Today“ on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Health (2006)

2015 Rath, A. M., Neuhold, B., Waldner, I., van der Kleyn, M. 3. Winterthurer Hebammensymposium: Hebamme zwischen Mythen und Fakten, Winterthur/Switzerland, Pilot Study: Metabolic programming during pregnancy and infancy. [poster, peer-reviewed]

2015 Rath, A .M., Neuhold, B., Waldner, I., van der Kleyn, M. „VSLÖ-News“ Fachzeitung Verband Still- und Laktationsberaterinnen Österreich „Prävention von Übergewicht ab der Schwangerschaft“

2015 Aigmüller,T. et al (van der Kleyn, M.). Management of 3rd and 4th degree perineal tears after vaginal birth. Guideline of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (AWMF registry No. 015/079, October 2014) Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2015; 75:137-144 DOI 10.1055/s-0034-1396323

2014 Aigmüller, T. et al (van der Kleyn, M.). AWMF-Registernummer 015/079 Leitlinienklasse S1„Leitlinie zum Management von Dammrissen III. und IV. Grades nach vaginaler Geburt.“ DGGG (Van der Kleyn, M.)

2012 Aigmüller, T., Umek, W., Elenskaia, K., Frudinger, A., Pfeifer, J., Helmer, H., Hümer, H., Tammaa, A., van der Kleyn, M., Tamussino, K., Kölle, D. (2012). Guidelines for the management of third and fourth degree perineal tears after vaginal birth from the Austrian Urogynecology Working Group Int. Urogynecol. J (2012) 24:553-558

2012 Van der Kleyn, M. „Ist das außerklinische Geburtenregister ein sinnvolles Evaluierungsinstrument oder eine nutzlose Datensammlung? Graz; KaGes. Geburtenregister Steiermark, Jahresbericht 2011
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