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FH-Prof. DI Dr.

Peter Salhofer


Associate Professor (FH)


+43 (316) 5453 - 8518



Business Informatics and Data Science
Eckertstraße, 30i
Room ES30i.01.101
8020 Graz


Graduated from the degree programme for Telematics at the Graz University of Technology in 1994.

1994-1996 freelancer at the Institute for Software Engineering at the Graz University of Technology. Participation in several national and international projects in the field of software process improvement.

1997-1998 Consultant at Promatis Consulting GmbH Graz in the fields of Business Process Modelling and Improvement as well as Implementation of Database-centred Information Systems

1998-2002 Responsible for the improvement of the administrative organisation at the municipality of Graz. Since 1999 head of the project group "Verwaltungsreform 2003", responsible for the introduction of New Public Management in Graz.

Since 1.1.2001 lecturer at the degree programme Information Management at the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM Graz. Responsible for Software Engineering and Database Systems.

2012 Ph.D. in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology

Experiences / Fields of interest
Functional Programming (Go, Scala, Haskell, Python, ...)
Software Engineering Methods
Software Process Improvement and Assessment (CMM/CMMI, Spice, ...)
Database systems and applications (MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, ...)
Agile Software Development (Extreme Programming, Scrum,..)
Dynamic Containerized Infrastructures (Docker, Kubernetes,...)
Internet of Things (Kafka, MQTT, FIWARE,...)
Mobile Applications (native and hybrid, e.g. Ionic/ReactJS)
Frameworks for Multi Tier Applications (Spring, ...)
Implementation and introduction of E-Government systems and Smart (City) Applications

Current research topics

Parallel Systems based on Actor Systems
Infrastructures for Smart-City Applications

List of Publications

Clemens Sauerwein, Tobias Antensteiner, Peter Salhofer, Ruth Breu, Success Factors of Automated Programming Assessment Systems in Different Learning Environments, Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2024,

Line Pouchard, Peter Salhofer, Introduction to the Minitrack on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Introduction to the Minitrack on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2024,

Sandra Gesing, Peter Salhofer, Cezar Mazurek, Charlie Catlett, Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart Application Development and Data Streaming: IoT, I4.0, Smart Cities and More,Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2024,

Peter Salhofer, "AN INTEGRATED LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT ENVIRONMENT FOR STEM COURSES BASED ON JUPYTERHUB", Conference: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 2023

Peter Salhofer, "CS-Students’ Behavior in Times of Corona", Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON),, Vienna, 2021

Peter Salhofer, Julia Buchsbaum, Michael Janusch, "Building a Smart City Platform: A FIWARE Example" in Estevez, Elsa, Pardo, Theresa A., Scholl, Hans Jochen (Eds.), "Smart Cities and Smart Governance - Towards the 22nd Century Sustainable City", pp 323-344, Springer International Publishing, 2021

Peter Salhofer, Cezary Mazurek, Sandra Gesing, "Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experiences", Proceedings 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,, 2021

Peter Salhofer, Heinz P. Wassermann, „Medientransparenz(gesetz)“ in Kärnten – Kontexte, Theorie, Praxis und Vergleiche, in Kärntner Jahrbuch für Politik, pp 71-102,, 2020

Peter Salhofer, Heinz P. Wassermann, „Millionen für den/die/wen …?“ in Salzburger Jahrbuch für Politik 2020, pp 313-345,, 2020

Peter Detzner, Peter Salhofer, Analysing FIWAREs Platform - Potential Improvements, Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,, 07.01.2020

Sandra Gesing, Peter Salhofer, Charlie Catlett, Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experiences, Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,, 07.01.2020

Peter Salhofer, Julia Buchsbaum, Michael Janusch, Building a FIWARE Smart City Platform, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,, 08.01.2019

Peter Salhofer, Sandra Gesing, Charlie Catlett, Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experiences, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,, 08.01.2019

Peter Salhofer, Evaluating the FIWARE Platform - A Case-Study on Implementing Smart Application with FIWARE, Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, , 2018

Peter Salhofer, Sandra Gesing, Charlie Catlett, Introduction to the Minitrack on Turning Smart: Challenges and Experiences in Smart Application Development, Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, , 2018

Peter Salhofer, Analysing student behavior in CS courses: A case-study on detecting and preventing cheating, Proceedings of the Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2017 IEEE, 2017

Peter Salhofer, Introduction to Parallel Computing: Modern Trends in Research, Education, and Application Minitrack, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Peter Salhofer, Introduction to the Modern Trends in Parallel Computing Minitrack, Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS49), ISBN 978-0-7695-5670-3, 2016

S. Schadenbauer, G. Sprung, P. Salhofer, A. Nischelwitzer, R. Strohmaier (2016) MORE! MEDIA TRANSPARENCY - GAMIFICATION AND ONLINE COLLABORATION, INTED2016 Proceedings, pp. 7578-7587.

Richard Siegl, Bernd Stadlhofer and Peter Salhofer, "Human-Centered Ontology Engineering in E-Government Environments", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Digital Society - ICDS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, March 23 - 27, 2014

Bernd Stadlhofer, Peter Salhofer, Augustin Durlacher, „An Overview of Ontology Engineering Methodologies in the Context of Public Administration”
in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, SEMAPRO 2013, September 29 – October 03 2013, Porto, Portugal, pp 36-42

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer, Augustin Durlacher, "E-GOVERNMENT WITHOUT FORMS? ACCESSING SEMANTIC E-GOVERNMENT SERVICES", Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society 2012, Curtin University, Perth, 2012

Bernd Stadlhofer, Peter Salhofer, Augustin Durlacher, Martin Zierler, "ROCKET - Rich Ontology Creation Kit for E-Government Transition", in Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart, Kristiansand, Norway, September 3-6, 2012, Trauner Verlag, pp 106-114

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer, Gerald Tretter,"Ontology Driven E-Government", in Kommunales E-Government (Wolfgang Eixelsberger Hrsg.), Linde Verlag Wien, 2012, pp 119-134

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer, "Semantic MDA for E-Government Service Development," hicss, pp.2189-2198, 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2012,

Bernd Stadlhofer, Peter Salhofer, "Towards a domain-expert centered ontology engineering methodology in the context of public administration" in Proceedings of WWW/Internet 2010, IADIS International Conference, ICWI2010, October 14-17 2010, Timisoara, Romania, pp 421-426

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer, "Knowledge-first Web Services - An E-Government Example" in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, NCM2010, August 16-18 2010, Seoul, Korea, pp 218-223

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer and Gerald Tretter, "Ontology Driven E-Government", in Politics, Democracy and E-Government: Participation and Service Delivery (Reddick, Ch., editor), Information Science Reference, April 2010, pp 383-401

Peter Salhofer, Gerald Tretter and Bernd Stadlhofer "Ontology Modeling for Goal Driven E-Government", Tagungsband des 4. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Pinkafeld, Austria, pp 72-78, 7-8 April 2010

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer and Gerald Tretter, "Ontology Driven E-Government", in Electronic Journal of e-Government , Volume 7 (4), December 2009

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer and Gerald Tretter, "Ontology Driven E-Government", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2009), Porto, Portugal, 20-25 September 2009, pp 378-383 )*

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer, Gerald Tretter and Barbara Meyer, " - Semantic E-Government Forms", Proceedings of Ongoing Research, General Development Issues and Projects of EGOV 09, 8th International Conference, Linz, August 31 - September 5, 2009, pp 289-296

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer and Gerald Tretter, "Ontology Driven E-Government", Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on e-Government, London, United Kingdom, June 29-30 2009, pp 540-549

Peter Salhofer, Barbara Meyer, Gerald Tretter, Bernd Stadlhofer, "GOAL-ORIENTED SERVICE SELECTION", in Proceedings of the 7th Eastern European e|Gov Days (eee|Gov Days 2009), Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Prague (CZ), 22-24 April 2009, pp 318-32

Bernd Stadlhofer, Peter Salhofer and Gerald Tretter, "Ontology Driven E-Government", Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Systems, March 1-6 2009, Cancun, Mexico, IEEE, 2009 )*

Peter Salhofer, "Ontology Driven E-Government" in "eGovernment Review", ISSN 1997-4051, Issue 3, January 2009, pp 22-23

Peter Salhofer, Bernd Stadlhofer, " Ontology Modeling for Goal Driven E-Government ", Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5-8 January 2009, Big Island Hawaii, USA, IEEE, pp 1-9, 2009

Peter Salhofer, Gerald Tretter and Bernd Stadlhofer " Goal-Oriented Service Selection ", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Cairo, Egypt, pp 60-66, 1-4 December 2008

Peter Salhofer and Bernd Stadlhofer, "e-Government Service Discovery based on Citizens'
Desires", Proceedings if the 4th International Conference on e-Government, RMIT University Melbourne, Australia, pp 371-380, 23-24 October 2008

Bernd Stadlhofer and Peter Salhofer, „ SeGoF: semantic e-government forms “, Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on Digital government research, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 289, Montreal, Canada, pp 427-428, May 2008

Bernd Stadlhofer and Peter Salhofer, „ SEGOF: Semantic E-Government Forms “, in Eastern European e|Gov Days 2008 - Tangible Results and New Perspectives, Conference proceedings, Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft; Prague, Czech Republic, pp 81-88, 2008

Bernd Stadlhofer and Peter Salhofer,„ Automatic Generation of E-Government Forms from Semantic Descriptions ", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Macao, China, pp 12-19, 10-13 December 2007

Peter Salhofer et al, „Towards the e-Government Shop: Applying the e-Shop Paradigm to e-Government“, Proceedings of ICEG 2007, The International Conference on e-Government, Université du Quebéc, pp. 243-252 ,27-28 September 2007

Peter Salhofer, David Ferbas, " A Business Process Engine Based E-Government Platform ", iciw, Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, p. 54ff , 2007

Peter Salhofer, Friedrich Steinbrucker, „Bürgerservice aus dem E-Shop“, in Eastern European e|Gov Days 2007: Best Practice and Innovation, Roland Traunmüller, Josef Makolm, Gerti Orthofer (Hrsg.), Österreichische Computergesellschaft, pp439-444, 2007

Peter Salhofer, David Ferbas, „ A pragmatic approach to the introduction of e-government “, Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government research: bridging disciplines & domains, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 228, Philadelphia, USA, pp 183 - 189, May 2007

Peter Salhofer, Barbara Meyer, Martin Hanak-Hammerl, David Ferbas, „E-Government by Doing – How e-Government Becomes a Driving Force for Improved Efficiency“, Proceedings of ICEG 2006: The 2nd International Conference on e-Government, University of Pittsburgh, USA 12-13 October 2006

Peter Salhofer, Barbara Meyer, „Workflow-basierte Modellierung und Steuerung von E-Government Verfahren“, in Knowledge transfer across Europe: 4th Eastern European e|Gov Days and 5th e|Gov Days, Maria Wimmer, Roland Traunmüller & Gerti Orthofer (Hrsg.), Österreichische Computergesellschaft, pp172-177, 2006

Peter Salhofer, Friedrich Steinbrucker, „E-Component – komponentenbasierende E-Government Architekturen“, in E-Government 2005: Knowledge Transfer und Status, Maria Wimmer (Hrsg.), pp404-411, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2005

Peter Salhofer, Martin Pickl, „Using Open Source Software Development Models for e-Government Solutions“, Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Government, Ottawa, Canada, 27-28 Oktober 2005, pp363-374, 2005

Klaus D. Zesar, Michael Zechner, Peter Salhofer, Gerhard Schuster, Gerfried Muelleitner, " Performance and Quality Aspects of Virtual Software Enterprises ", euromicro, p. 20824, 24 th. EUROMICRO Conference Volume 2 (EUROMICRO'98), 1998.

)* Awarded Best Paper


Ontology Driven E-Government, Forum Semantic Systems 2009, Austrian Computer Society (OCG), March 4th 2009,Vienna
Minitrack Co-Chair "Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experience" at HICSS54, 2021
Minitrack Co-Chair "Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experience" at HICSS53, 2020
Minitrack Co-Chair "Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experience" at HICSS52, 2019
Minitrack Co-Chair "Turning Smart: Challenges and Experiences in Smart Application Development" at HICSS51, 2018
Minitrack Chair "Parallel Programming" at HICSS50, 2017
Minitrack Chair "Parallel Programming" at HICSS49, 2016
Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Scrum Alliance
Member of the Conference Committee of „ICEG 2006: The 2nd International Conference on E-Government“, University of Pittsburgh, USA 12-13 Oktober 2006
Member of the Digital Government Society of North America (dgo)
Member of the Executive Committee of „ICEG 2007: The International Conference on e-Government“ held at the Université du Quebéc, 27-28 September 2007
Reviewer of HICSS-42, 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science 2009
Reviewer of HICSS-43, 43nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science 2010


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