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FH-Prof. DI Dr.

Robert Okorn


Associate Professor (FH)


+43 (316) 5453 - 8322



Electronic Engineering
Werk-VI-Straße 46
Room WS46a.EG.026
8605 Kapfenberg



PhD study (Radar Technology and Wave Propagation, 1989-1992), TU-Graz

Diploma study Electronic and Communication Technology (1982-1987), TU-Graz

Technical college HTBL-Kapfenberg, electrical engineering(1977-1982)

Professional Experience

Assistant on the Institute of Communication Technology and Wave Propagation (1989-1992), TU-Graz.

Scientific stuff member on the Institute of Communication Technology and Wave Propagation (1992-1995), TU-Graz.

Selected Projects

Development of a LIDAR-Demonstrator (2016-2018), based on the EU-EUREKA program CATRENE, with partner austriamicrosystems AG, scientific kooperation in the FFG base program.

Intradisziplinäre Optimierung des Lawinenrisikomanagements (2014-2016), mit Partner Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Wildbach und Lawinenverbauung, gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Land und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (

Impedance based continuous, non-invasive blood preasure measurement (2013-2014), with partner ImPress MedTech GmbH, scientific kooperation in the FFG base program.

Snowpack monitoring with upward-looking radar systems towards improved avalanche risk prediction (2010-2013), with partner Institute for Environmental Physics of UNI Heidelberg, Alfred-Wegener-Institut for Marine and Polar Research, WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF, Davos), funded by FWF in the program D-A-CH (

Digital- und Mixed-Signal-Chipdesign (2008-2011), with partner Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Austriamicrosystems AG, Pieps GmbH, funded by FFG in the program FHplus in Coin (

Secure NFC Applications (2006-2008), with partner Institute for Information and Communication Tchnology (TU-Graz), Institute for Elektrische Messtechnik und Messsignalverarbeitung (TU-Graz), NXP (Gratkorn), funded by FFG in the program FIT-IT.


Okorn R., Brunnhofer G., Platzer T., Heilig A., Schmid L., Mitterer Ch., Schweizer J., Eisen O. (2014), Upward-looking L-band FMCW radar for snow cover monitoring, Cold Regions Science and Technology 103C (2014), pp. 31-40 DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2014.03.006, Elsevier (free download from:

Schmid, L., Heilig, A., Mitterer, C., Schweizer, J., Maurer, H., Okorn, R., Eisen, O. (2014), Continuous snowpack monitoring using upward-looking ground-penetrating radar technology, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 60, No. 221,2014 DOI: 10.3189/2014JoG13J084.

Zöscher, L., R. Okorn (2011), Switched-Capacitor-Frontend Chip für Lawinenverschütteten-suchgeräte in einem 0.35 μm CMOS-Prozess, Proc. 19th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics, TU-Wien, 26 September 2011 (free download from: .

Okorn R., R. Sbüll (2010), Antennen-Tuning-Chip für Lawinenverschüttetensuchgeräte in 0.35mm CMOS-Hochvoltprozess, Proc. Austrochip 2010, Austrian microelectronic conference, pp. 83-88, FH Kärnten, Villach (free download from:

Gößler, O., R. Okorn and R. Mair (2008), SNAP Secure NFC applications, Proc. FFH 2008, 2. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, pp. 201-208, Shaker Verlag.

Hintenaus, P. and R. Okorn (1999), A LCD Controller for a TFT VGA Display and a C167 Microcontroller, Austrochip 99, Austrian microelectronic conference, Villach 1999.


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