A Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a specialisation in ‘Environment’, ‘Energy’ and ‘Mobility’ opens up excellent career opportunities and starting salaries in the field of green jobs.
Job opportunities:
The practice-orientated training offers numerous development opportunities in various industries. For example, our graduates work in industrial companies such as voestalpine or AT&S, in the energy industry (e.g. Energie Steiermark, Salzburg AG, Verbund), in the mobility sector (e.g. ASFINAG, ÖBB, Holding Graz), in federal ministries, in city and municipal administrations, planning offices and in industrial research and development.
The professional fields offer a broad spectrum of project management challenges in the specialisations: From renewable energies and sustainability in large companies to the design of future-oriented mobility concepts – graduates are spoilt for choice and can actively shape their careers.
In order to be able to take on managerial roles in international companies in the future, we recommend continuing your academic education – for example on the Institute’s part-time and career-enhancing degree programmes. The English-language Master’s degree programmes Energy Technologies, Mobility Technologies and European Green Transformation offer the opportunity for further specialisation and the flexibility to enter professional life at the same time.