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Some of the greatest challenges facing the media and professional communicators are increasingly precise and perfectly constructed fake news, disinformation and manipulated content, whether in the form of the written word, images, or audio. The new JOANNEUM ACADEMY online programme, run in cooperation with the Austrian Media Academy (ÖMA), teaches participants the skills, expertise and capabilities they need to recognise fake news and falsified content purposefully and efficiently in all media formats. The programme also provides specialist knowledge about media technology and the relevant legal aspects.
Some of the greatest challenges facing the media and professional communicators are increasingly precise and perfectly constructed fake news, disinformation and manipulated content, whether in the form of the written word, images, or audio. The new JOANNEUM ACADEMY online programme, run in cooperation with the Austrian Media Academy (ÖMA), teaches participants the skills, expertise and capabilities they need to recognise fake news and falsified content purposefully and efficiently in all media formats. The programme also provides specialist knowledge about media technology and the relevant legal aspects.