Job description: Nurse
Company: Hospital
Place: Entebbe
How I secured the internship:
During my studies in Health Care and Nursing, I decided to spend a three-month semester abroad in Uganda. By chance, I heard about a small organisation called Alccu (Another Love Children’s Charity Uganda) which organised my internship at a hospital in Entebbe for me. I opted to spend an internship abroad to give me the opportunity to learn about medical care outside of Austria and to get to know a completely different culture.
What I did:
During the course of my internship, I was able to rotate between departments on a weekly basis. This enabled me to gather experience on a children’s ward, maternity ward, neonatal intensive care unit, operating department and a general internal medicine ward, among others.
Why I enjoyed my internship:
My colleagues there were open, warm, helpful and committed to including me in everyday life at the hospital. In addition to our professional exchanges, we often discussed our different cultures. I also received a very warm welcome from the host family with whom I spent three months and immediately felt like part of the family. Everyone made every effort to make my stay as pleasant as possible so that I could quickly settle into the new culture and feel like it was a home from home.