Our students have lots to do when it comes to practical projects: they devise the content, organisation and didactics of an antenatal class. As part of a project management exercise, students plan a freelance career or midwifery practice – including checking the financial viability and analysing the legal framework conditions. The students are also involved with research projects, for example at the Health Perception Lab, an interdisciplinary research lab at FH JOANNEUM, where the Midwifery course explores metabolic programming in pregnancy and infancy.
A pocket reminder has been designed as preparation for the Bachelor’s exam and summarises the most significant incidents which can occur during childbirth. Each student has compiled a double page which provides a brief and concise description of the most important steps involved in diagnosing and treating special cases.
The students are developing cards which describe ways of treating the most commonly arising breastfeeding issues – based on evidence and guidelines. The short texts, complete with images, provide midwives and breastfeeding advisors with a fast means of diagnosing the problem and offer suggested treatments for use during the postnatal period.