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Gudrun Schappacher-Tilp


Assoziierte Professorin (FH)


+43 (316) 5453 - 8475




Electronic Engineering
Alte Poststraße 147
Raum AP147.02.210
8020 Graz


Gudrun Schappacher-Tilp schloss 1999 ihr Masterstudium in Mathematik an der Universität Graz (Österreich) ab und begann ihre Tätigkeit bei Roche Diagnostics GmbH als Projektleiterin. Parallel zu ihrer Berufstätigkeit promovierte sie 2003 am Institut für Mathematik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz in Mathematik. Nach einem Forschungsaufenthalt als Postdoktorandin an der Universität Calgary in Kanada von 2007 bis 2008, widmete sie sich der akademischen Laufbahn und lehrte am Institut für Mathematik der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. In dieser Zeit absolvierte sie zudem ein Doktoratsstudium der Medizinischen Wissenschaften an der Medizinischen Universität Graz. Im Jahr 2020 begann sie als Senior Lecturer am Institut Elektronic Engineering an der FH Joanneum – University of Applied Sciences. Seit 2022 bekleidet sie die Position einer Associate Professorin an derselben Institution. Ihre Forschungsinteressen umfassen unter anderem die Entwicklung mathematischer Modelle für komplexe Prozesse, deren Analyse und Anwendungen sowie statistische Methoden.

Motivation für die Lehre: die Liebe zur angewandten Mathematik und die Überzeugung, dass mathematisches Denken für die Problemlösung in den angewandten Wissenschaften und Ingenieurwissenschaften unverzichtbar ist.

Ausgewählte Publikationen
Herzog W, Schappacher-Tilp G. Molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction: A historical perspective. J Biomech. 2023 May 25;155:111659. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111659. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37290181.

Tiessen, Chris, et al. "Immunoglobulin domain unfolding and refolding in passively stretched myofibrils." Biophysical Journal 122.3 (2023): 115a.

Schappacher-Tilp G, Kotanko P, Pirklbauer M. Mathematical Models of Parathyroid Gland Biology: Complexity and Clinical Use. Frontiers in Nephrology 2022: 2.
doi: 10.3389/fneph.2022.893391

Leonard, T., Faridi, W., Ramrattan, D., Schappacher-Tilp, G., Moo, E. K., & Herzog, W. (2022). Skeletal muscle titin IG domain refolding after passive lengthening. Biophysical Journal, 121(3), 292a.

Tilp, Markus; Kitzberger, Lukas; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Birnbaumer, Philipp; Hofmann, Peter. Electromyographic and Systemic Physiological Thresholds in Single-Joint Elbow Flexion Movements. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2021. 1-8. doi:10.1123/ijspp.2021-0163

Pirklbauer M, Bushinsky DA, Kotanko P, Schappacher-Tilp G. Personalized Prediction of Short- and Long-Term PTH Changes in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Sep 14;8:704970. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.704970. eCollection 2021.PMID: 34595186

Shebl, Omar; Reiter, Elisabeth; Engel, Sabine; Allerstorfer, Christina; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Trautner, Philip; Rechberger, Tamara; Oppelt, Peter; Ebner, Thomas. Double ionophore application may improve rates of blastocyst formation and clinical pregnancy in cases of failed single application. Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2021), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rbmo.2021.11.008

Cherif, Alhaji; Maheshwari, Vaibhav ; Fuertinger, Doris; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun ; Preciado, Priscilla; Bushinsky, David; Thijssen, Stephan ; Kotanko, Peter. A mathematical model of the four cardinal acid-base disorders. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 7,5. 2020. 4457-4476.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Fuertinger D; Kotanko P. A Multi-Compartment Model Capturing the Pharmacokinetics of the Calcimimetic Cinacalcet. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 53,2. 2019. 429-438. doi:10.33594/000000148

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Cherif, A; Fuertinger, Doris; Bushinsky, David; Kotanko, Peter. A mathematical model of parathyroid gland biology. Physiological Reports. 7,7. 2019. e14045. Under the top 10% of most downloaded papers 2020.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Hymes, Jefferey; Fuertinger Doris; Stennett Amanda; Kotanko Peter. Thrice Weekly vs. Daily Cinacalcet: Virtual Clinical Trial and Its Subsequent Clinical Validation in a Large US Hemodialysis Population. ASN Kidney Week 2019 Washington, USA. Abstract: FR-PO130

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Cherif, A; Fuertinger, DH; Bushinsky, D; Kotanko, P. CKD Progression and bone metabolism: novel insights from a multi-scale physiology-based model. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Oxford. Oxford Univ Press. 2019. FP470

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun. Titin-mediated thick filament activation stabilizes myofibrils on the descending limb of their force-length relationship. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 7,3. 2018. 326-332

Cherif, Alhaji; Maheshwari, Vaibhav; Preciado, Priscila; Fuertinger, Doris; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Thijssen, Stephan; Bushinsky, David; Kotanko, Peter. Predicting the safety and efficacy of buffer therapy to control acidemia in uremic patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Oxford. Oxford Univ Press. 2019

Cherif, Alhaji; Preciado, Priscila; Maheshwari, Vaibhav; Fuertinger, Doris; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Thijssen, Stephan; Bushinsky, David; Kotanko, Peter. A mathematical model of bone remodeling in patients with uremia and metabolic bone diseases: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Oxford. Oxford Univ Press 55th Congress of the European-Renal-Association (ERA) and European-Dialysis-and-Transplantation-Association (EDTA). Oxford. Oxford Univ Press. 2018.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Fuertinger, Doris; Stennet, Amanda; Hymes, Jeffrey; Kotanko, Peter. Virtual cinical trial of cinacalcet in hemodialysis patients shows profound impact of patient adherence on parathyroid hormone levels. 55th Congress of the European-Renal-Association (ERA) and European-Dialysis-and-Transplantation-Association (EDTA). Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Oxford. Oxford Univ Press Oxford Univ Press. 2018. 168-168.

M. DuVall, Michael; Jinha, Azim; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Leonard, Timothy; Herzog, Walter. Differences in titin segmental elongation between passive and active stretch in skeletal muscle. In: The Journal of Experimental Biology 2017. 220(23):jeb.160762. DOI:10.1242/jeb.160762

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Herzog, Walter. Mechanosensing in myofilaments stabilizes the descending limb of force length relationship. ISB (Hg.): XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. 2017. 495

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Preciado, Priscila; Maheshwari, Vaibhav; Cherif, Alhaji; Fuertinger, Doris, Thijssen, Stephan; Bushinsky, David; Kotanko, Peter. A Mathematical Model of Parathyroid Hormone Secretion in Uremic Patients. Kidney Week 2017. JASN (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology) 2017. FR-PO283

Maheshwari, Vaibhav; Cherif, Alhaji; Fuertinger, Doris; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Preciado, Priscila; Thijssen, Stephan; Bushinsky, David; Kotanko, Peter. An in-silico method to predict net calcium transfer during hemodialysis. IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc (Hg.): Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2017.. IEEE. 2017.

Thomas; Tritscher, Katja; Mayer, Richard; Oppelt, Peter; Duba, Hans-Christoph; Maurer, Maria; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Petek, Erwin; Shebl, Omar. Quantitative and qualitative trophectoderm grading allows for prediction of live birth and gender. Journal of Assisted Reprodution and Genetics. 2016. 49-57.

Xue, Yuan; Schoser, Benedikt; Rao, Aliz R; Quadrelli, Roberto; Vaglio, Alicia; Rupp, Verena; Beichler, Christian; Nelson, Stanley; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Windpassinger, Christian; Wilcox, William. Exome Sequencing Identified a Splice Site Mutation inFHL1 that Causes Uruguay Syndrome, an X-Linked Disorder with Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Premature Cardiac Death. Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics. 9,2. 2016. 130-135.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Leonard, Tim; Desch, Gertrud; Herzog, Walter. Computing average passive forces in sarcomeres in length-ramp simulations. PLoS Computational Biology (Online). 12,6. 2016. 1-14.

Herzog, Walter; Schappacher, Gudrun; DuVall, Michale; Leonard, Timothy; Herzog, Jens. Residual Force Enhancement Following Eccentric Contractions: A New Mechanism Involving Titin. Physiology. 31,4. 2016. 300-312

Ertl, Peter; Overgaard, Kristian; Sørensen, Henrik; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Kazimierski-Hentschel, Kamil; Tilp, Markus. The evaluation of automatically detected electromyographic thresholds. Baca A., Wessner B., Diketmüller R., Tschan H., Hofmann M., Kornfeind P.Tsolakidis E. (Hg.): Book of Abstracts. Cologne. Sportools

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Desch, Gertrud; Herzog, Walter. An efficient algorithm to estimate passive forces in sarcomeres under length control conditions. ISB 2015 Book of Abstracts. 2015. 792-793

Ebner, Thomas; Shebl, Omar; Tritscher, Katja; Oppelt, Peter; Duba, Hans-Christoph; M. Maurer; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Petek, Erwin; Mayer, Richard. Qualitative and quantitative grading of human blastocysts and its association with live-birth rate and neonatal outcome. Human Reproduction. 30. 2015. 44-45

Nerstheimer, Stefanie; Tauscher, Petra; Petek, Erwin; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun. HLA-frequencies of Austrian umbilical cord blood samples. Human Immunology. 76. 2015. 863-867.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Leonard, Timothy; Desch, Gertrud; Herzog, Walter. A Novel Three-Filament Model of Force generation in eccentric Contraction of Skeletal Muscles. PLoS One. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117634. 2015. 1-16. Top 25% cited PloS One articles in 2017

Powers, Krysta; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Jinha, Azim; Leonard; Timothy; Nishikawa, Kiisa; Herzog, Walter. Titin Force is Enhanced in Actively Stretched Skeletal Muscle. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 217. 2014. 3629 - 3636.

Ebner, Thomas; Shebl, Omar; Holzer, Sandra; Oppelt, Peter; Petek, Erwin; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Mayer, Richard. Viability of cumulus cells is associated with basal AMH levels in assisted reproduction. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 183 (214). 2014. 59 - 63.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Herzog, Walter. Prediction of force sharing among synergistic muscles. IFIP (Hg.): IFIP TC7 Conference System Modelling and Optimization Programme and Abstracts. 2013.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Leonard, Tim; Desch, Gertrud; Herzog, Walter. A Structural Model of Force Generation in Single Myofibrils Aimed at Explaining Force Regulation in the Absence of Cross-Bridge Interaction. In: Gerhard Holzapfel and Ray W. Ogden (Hg.): ESMC 2012 8th European Solidy Mechanics Conference Graz, Austria. 2012.

M Seiringer, M; Maurer, Maria; Shebl, Omar; Freier, Kerstin; Tews, Gernot; Ziehr, Stephanie; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Petek, Erwin; Ebner, Thomas. Efficacy of a sperm-selection chamber in terms of morphology, aneuploidy and DNA packaging. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 27,1. 2013. 81 – 88.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Jinha, Azim; Herzog, Walter. Mapping the classical cross-bridge theory and backward steps in a three-bead laser trap setup. Mathematical Biosciences. 229 (2011),1. 2011. 115 - 122.

Changes in fascicle lengths and pennation angles give no explanation for residual force enhancement or depression during voluntary contractions in human tibialis anterior. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2011.

Porta, Sepp; Korisek, Gerd; Machan, Barbara; Gaggl, Herbert; Desch Wolfgang; Porta, Josef; Schappacher, Gudrun; Kisters, Klaus. Changes in electrolyte and metabolic interactions below the hypomagnesemic threshold in Type 2 diabetics. Trace Elements and Electrolytes. 27 (2010),3. 2010. 119 - 124.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Herzog, Walter. A stochastic model of the three-bead laser trap setup to study actin-myosin interaction. ISB (Hg.): 6th World Congress of Biomechanics - Abstracts. 2010.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Braverman, Elena; Binding, Paul; Herzog, Walter. Task dependent cost functions in a one degree of freedom model for the prediction of force sharing among synergistic muscles. ISB (Hg.): 6th World Congress of Biomechanics - Abstracts. 2010.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Binding, Paul; Braverman, Elena; Herzog, Walter. Velocity-dependent cost function for the prediction of force sharing among synergistic muscles in a one degree of freedom model. Journal of Biomechanics. 42 (2009),5. 2009. 657 - 660.

Desch, Wolfgang.; Schappacher, Wilhelm; Schappacher, Gudrun; Wintersteiger, Reinhold; Ecker, M.; Köhler, U.; Korisek, G.; Porta, Sepp. An attempt to quantify the influence of some IC parameters upon the levels of ionized Mg in blood. In: Trace Elements and Electrolytes. 2/2009,26. 2009. 89 - 94.

Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Herzog, Walter. Modelling the effect of Brownian motion on the amount of backwards steps in the classical three-beads laser trap setup for actin-myosin interaction. J.E. Ashton-Miller, R.E. Hughes, D.M. Andrews (Hg.): Proceedings of the North American Congress on Biomechanics. 2008.

Tilp, Markus; Steib, Simon; Schappacher-Tilp, Gudrun; Herzog, Walter. Residual Force Enhancement in Maximal Voluntary Contractions of Human Dorsi Flexors. J.E. Ashton-Miller, R.E. Hughes, D.M. Andrews (Hg.): Proceedings of the North American Congress on Biomechanics. 2008. Finalist Young Investigator Award

Desch, Wolfgang; Schappacher, Gudrun; Schappacher, Wilhelm. Relatively Bounded Rank One Perturbations of Nonanalytic Semigroups can generate Large Point Spectrum. Semigroup Forum. 75 (2007). 2007. 470 - 476.

Schappacher, Gudrun. A notion of Orlicz spaces for vector valued functions. Applications of Mathematics (New York, 1956). 50 (2005),4. 2005. 355 - 386.

Schappacher, Gudrun; Hartmann, Paul. Partial analytical solution of a model used for measuring oxygen diffusion coefficients of polymer films by luminescence quenching. Analytical Chemistry. 75 (2003),16. 2003. 4319 - 4324.

Schappacher-Tilp G; Kotanko P. Techniques for determining calcimimetic drug activity. U.S. Patent Application Nr. 17/491,900, 2023.

Schappacher-Tilp G; Kotanko P, Fuertinger, DH. Techniques for modeling parathyroid gland functionality and calcimimetic drug activity. U.S. Patent Nr. 11,450,405, 2022.

Lukas R, Schappacher G. US Patent No: 7,839,502: Method for the wavelength calibration of a spectrometer. Roche Diagnostics Graz GmbH


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