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Department Applied Computer Sciences

IT Law and Management

My Studies
“The Master’s programme offers a unique combination of computer science, IT law and business administration. We consider all business and industry issues from these three perspectives in order to provide holistic answers. The aim is to reconcile current topics such as data protection and AI or IT compliance and sustainability”.
Sabine Proßnegg, Lecturer

IT experts and lawyers are increasingly being confronted with the rapid developments taking place in digitalisation: from privacy and data protection, e-government and IT compliance to burning issues such as sustainability, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and cybercrime. There is a demand for specialists in these fields who can offer holistic solutions to information technology, legal and economic issues and problems. IT Law and Management is a cutting-edge degree programme situated right at this interface.

Key subject areas

IT Law

You will address issues relating to legal informatics and information law, taking a closer look at privacy and data protection and intellectual property rights. In addition, you will focus on the challenges of digital and virtual working environments, cybercrime and IT contract design.

IT Management

You will develop the technical and legal aspects of e-business and e-government and their associated business models. You will examine the integration and sustainability issues affecting IT organisations and related compliance and governance activities. You will also be introduced to the legal, social and ethical aspects of IT management.

AI and Machine Learning

The rapid development of artificial intelligence and machine learning is key to the analysis of business data and future corporate developments. The responsible and secure handling of sensitive data is essential in the digitally connected world, making data mining and business analytics an indispensable part of the curriculum.

What specialisations are available?

Specialisation takes place in two projects and a Master’s thesis. Students are given the opportunity to explore project ideas drawn from their own companies, or research and development topics from the degree programme. In doing so, students conduct interdisciplinary study at the interfaces between computer science, legal informatics, information law, IT management and AI and machine learning.

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