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Department Applied Computer Sciences

IT Law and Management

My Studies

Student projects

During the second and third semesters our students apply their knowledge in the form of interdisciplinary projects examining real-world problems in business and industry. As many of our students are already in employment, they are able to work on subjects related to their own company activities. They may also combine the content of their project with their Master’s thesis. Students who do not submit their own project ideas will undertake research into current ICT problems being examined by the Institute of Internet Technologies and Applications.

In their projects and Master’s thesis students will examine a central research topic from three different perspectives; in the first project you will focus on a current topic in computer science. In the second project you will examine the same topic from the perspective of IT law. And finally, in the Master’s thesis, you will devise an IT management solution which incorporates technological, legal and business-organisational aspects. Specific project themes can include, amongst others, legal aspects of e-learning and cloud solutions, social media for business and e-commerce, or digital signatures and digital delivery as e-government tools.

Current student projects

The student projects and Master’s thesis deal with research projects such as PPP4, SME goes mobile, mCommerce or PONS.

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