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Department Media and Design

Journalism and Public Relations (PR)

My Studies

Student projects

You will gain practical experience by working on projects from the first semester onwards. They allow you to draw on the theory you have learned, to give reign to your creative abilities, and to work either as a team member or independently.

You will have the opportunity to take part in various projects during each semester. The choice of project options ranges from concept design right through to the creation of journalistic publications, websites, corporate videos, campaigns and much more. The demands made of you increase as the programme progresses: in the fifth semester, each year group independently produces an edition of the magazine blank.

These projects also offer you the chance to form initial contacts within the industry. Editing offices, businesses and agencies will get to know you and your abilities as you work together. These contacts can prove extremely helpful when looking for an internship or a job.

Current student projects

The Annenpost blog

The Annenpost project turns your year group into an actual newsroom. During the first two semesters you and your fellow students produce the local Annenpost blog under real-world conditions.

Together you take a close journalistic look at the multifaceted life of locals in Graz’s Annenviertel district. The project kicks off in the first week of term with the legendary Annenpost boot camp.


During their “PR Project” lecture, students of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Journalism and Public Relations (PR) were given the task of contacting various companies with the help of SFG. The goal was to write a story for these companies that would appear on the web, print and social media at the end of the project. The texts covered not only journalism but also PR and were aimed primarily at business-informed readers.

Austrian history on TikTok

The team of “Geschichte oida!” at the first day of shooting – Photo: Nico Lang

In the fifth semester, students of “Journalism and Public Relations (PR)” at FH JOANNEUM develop their own project. This is done as a practical exercise under professor and digital journalist Stefan Apfl. There are no specifications, the students can give free rein to their creativity. The only condition: The whole thing had to be online. And that’s how “Geschichte Oida!” came about. To follow on TikTok.

Slo. Digital Magazine Journalism

Photo: Nikolaus Zoltan

A magazine that is published exclusively in an online format – this was the decision of the students specialising in digital journalism in the 2017 cohort- and thus ventured a new experiment in the course.

Together with Thomas Wolkinger, the students undertook a research trip to Slovenia for several days to look beyond old borders and to generate relevant stories with calm and care in these fast-moving times.

The result is slo., an online magazine that tells exciting stories from the area between the Mur, the Adriatic and the Drava in the categories city, country, river, and border. A journalistic project that perfectly complements the collection of previous magazines of the degree programme with a new format.

To the magazine

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