The winter semester will start under the motto “presence first”. Classroom teaching in small groups and application-oriented with practical teaching units as a central strength of FH JOANNEUM will be possible again, although in compliance with the tested, recovered or vaccinated rule and the mask requirement. We look forward to welcome you in person at FH JOANNEUM!
COVID-19 Update: The winter semester starts with presence first!
FH JOANNEUM, 15. September 2021Here is a summary of all current COVID-19 regulations at FH JOANNEUM. As of November 8, 2021, the following measures will apply until further notice:
Your stay at FH JOANNEUM
During a stay at FH JOANNEUM the following applies:
- tested, recovered or vaccinated rule (negative self-tests are no longer valid proof!)
- FFP2 masks must be worn in all general areas such as corridors, lifts, smoking areas and in front of the buildings,
- keep a minimum distance of one meter
- observe the hygiene rules and avoid group formation!
Disinfect your hands when entering the building. Adhere to cough and sneeze etiquette and hand hygiene. If you feel ill, stay home. Only together can we protect each other.
Teaching & Exams
For the winter semester 2021/2022, “presence first” applies: Assuming a stable epidemiological situation and compliance with the associated safety precautions, we are planning with as much presence teaching as possible. In particular, we would like to allow all first-semester students to get to know each other in person and on campus. Certain courses may also be held online; it is up to the program director to choose the format.
Exams will also take place at FH JOANNEUM.
For courses and exams at FH JOANNEUM, the tested, recovered or vaccinated rule and FFP2 masks are mandatory until you take your seat. At the seat, the FFP2 mask can be removed, provided that the one-meter safety distance can be maintained. After using equipment (tables, keyboards, therapy equipment, etc.), students must clean them.
Excursions are possible until further notice, subject to compliance with hygiene and safety measures (compliance with the tested, recovered or vaccinated rule, FFP2 mask requirement indoors if necessary, hygiene measures). For excursions to companies, please also coordinate in advance with the respective company.
Internships are possible under compliance with hygiene and safety measures (compliance with the tested, recovered or vaccinated rule, FFP2 mask requirement indoors, hygiene measures) until further notice. Please coordinate with the respective internship company in advance. If the professional internships provided for in the curriculum are not possible, appropriate substitutions must be made.
Rule: tested, recovered or vaccinated
To further increase the level of security for courses or exams, all students must meet one of the following requirements prior to the start of the face-to-face course:
For tested people:
- proof of a negative antigen test by an authorized party (not older than 24 hours and valid for the entire duration of stay)
- a negative PCR test (not older than 72 hours)
- valid testing according to Corona test pass in accordance with Covid-19 school regulations 2021/22
For recovered people:
- a proof of a survived COVID-19 disease within the last six months (medical confirmation or segregation notice due to a illness; the date of the confirmation/notice applied)
- a written proof of antibodies no more than three months old
For vaccinated people:
- proof (based on the vaccination passport – electronically or in paper form – or the “green passport”) of a second COVID-19 vaccination, whereby this must not have taken place more than 360 days previously and at least 14 days must have elapsed between the first and second vaccination, or
- proof (based on the vaccination passport – electronic or paper – or the “green passport”) of a completed COVID-19 vaccination with vaccines for which only one vaccination (currently Johnson & Johnson) is scheduled (from the 22nd day after vaccination, valid for nine months from vaccination) or
- proof (based on the vaccination passport – electronic or paper – or the “green passport”) of one COVID-19 vaccination, provided there was a positive PCR test at least 21 days prior to vaccination or antibody detection prior to vaccination (valid for 360 days from vaccination).
- proof of a further vaccination, whereby this must not be longer than 360 days ago and at least 120 days must have elapsed between this and a vaccination in the sense of the above-mentioned points
The library services remain available to a limited extent: Students can pick up pre-ordered media in the libraries Bad Gleichenberg, Graz WEST (Eggenberg) and Kapfenberg contactlss. The online scanning service is also available for obtaining literature. For returns, please use the return boxes provided. The library’s reading rooms are open on a limited basis. Details can be found here.
We plan to hold the graduations in presence. Due to the current dynamic developments, the program directors and the program secretariats will inform you about the graduation schedule in a timely manner.
Procedure in the event of suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19
All suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students, employees or lecturers must be reported. Please report all cases via our online reporting tool!
What to do in the event of a suspected case of COVID-19:
- Stay at home as soon as COVID-19 symptoms emerge (fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, catarrh or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sudden loss of taste/smell) or if you have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- Contact the health hotline (tel. 1450) immediately and follow their instructions.
- Inform us and your head of degree programme immediately and provide all relevant details and contacts using the online reporting tool.
- All further steps will be handled by FH JOANNEUM, in consultation with the health authorities.
When is a case classed as suspected COVID-19?
- With the emergence of COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sudden loss of taste/smell).
- After coming into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, even if you are not displaying any of the typical symptoms.
- In the case of developing other non-COVID symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea, the following additional criteria apply:
- Following return from areas with a high level of the virus or previous contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 while on the premises of FH JOANNEUM:
- Isolate yourself, put on a face mask and call the health hotline immediately (tel. 1450).
- Inform us and your head of degree programme immediately and provide all relevant details and contacts using the online reporting tool.
- All further steps will be handled by FH JOANNEUM, in consultation with the health authorities.
Our entire COVID-19 team will personally guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have at the central reporting address
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at, by telephone on +43 316 5453-8800 or via our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram. Stay healthy – we can do it together!