Social work has a history of development which dates back over a hundred years, both nationally and internationally. It is characterised in particular by a broad and interdisciplinary job description in which practical, theoretical and research-based elements interact. The specific fields of activity cover all people within a society: the target groups of social work include children, young people, adults, migrants, people with restricted mobility and health issues and people affected by debt, addiction, homelessness and delinquency. Long-term support processes are instigated, evaluated and combined with theory and research, incorporating the clients – a process also known as ‘user involvement’.
Professional social work is carried out in public and private institutions such as associations or church organisations as well as on a freelance basis. As a social worker, you will advise and support clients, collaborate on projects, lead teams or organisational units, coordinate the work of volunteers and work in authorities and with decision-makers. You will also work for individual clients, families, groups, social areas, communities and organisations with the aim to empower disadvantaged and/or marginalised individuals and groups.
You will learn about the tasks of the social worker through seminars, excursions and practical work on-site. The various fields of activity will be combined with theory-based models and practical exercises. We will demonstrate the potential of social work in the support of children, young people and families, with regard to the topics of health and illness, in working with young people or elderly people, migrants, asylum seekers, the disabled and marginalised groups in general. You will apply professional procedures in a practice-oriented manner. The aim is to identify case and system dynamics as well as appropriate methods and means of intervention so as to encourage individual and tailored change processes.
During the Bachelor’s course in Social Work, you will familiarise yourself with the basics of scientific work. We will provide you with a socio-analytical understanding of life worlds and social spaces. You will practise methods of empirical social (work) research and the collection, evaluation and interpretation of sources and data. During seminar papers and the Bachelor’s thesis, we prioritise the development of specialist scientific expertise. We will also guide you in the processes of accurate documentation.
Social work largely takes place within organisations and institutions. You will therefore acquire the necessary expertise involved in the design, operation, management and administration of organisations. You will familiarise yourself with the legal basis of organisations and social work. We want to live up to the requirements of a globally networked society. And for this reason, we offer international and intercultural classes as well as an excursion abroad.