In order to offer our students the best possible preparation for their professional work, they complete two internships during the course. Each year, around 80 representatives of various organisations gather for an Internship Exchange at FH JOANNEUM to provide information about the various internships on offer.
The first internship during the second semester is the ‘professional field placement’ and lasts six weeks. During the first semester, our students gain an overview of the wide range of professional fields encompassed by social work by conducting interviews with experienced social workers. Students organise their internships under the direction of our internship coordinator. They then reflect on these internships in dedicated seminars so as to gain a broad impression of the requirements involved and practise the skills for their profession.
The second internship in the fifth semester is called the ‘professional internship’ and lasts 12 weeks. The preparatory seminars address current topics for the internships. Students receive an introduction to the relevant professional field from experienced social workers at the internship institution in question. During the professional internship, it should be possible for students to work independently with some guidance and try out the role of a social worker. They can then reflect on their experiences in accompanying seminars at FH JOANNEUM.
The professional internship can also be completed in another European country as part of the ERASMUS programme. Students can engage in development cooperation in Asia, Latin America and Africa as part of EZA programmes or complete an internship in Australia or North America. The August Aichhorn Institute for Social Work has many years of experience in a range of countries in this respect.
Internship coordinator: