Über den Vortragenden: Dipl-Ing. Dr. Anton Mayer
Anton Mayer is Magna’s Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President. In this role, he manages all aspects of the company’s innovation and new product strategy at a corporate level and in conjunction with Magna’s product groups. Prior to becoming CTO, Mayer was Executive Vice President of Research and Development.
Formerly Executive Vice President, System and Portfolio Strategy, Mayer played a vital role in optimizing Magna’s product portfolio and creating systems and platform synergies within the company, and he will continue to lead those efforts.
Throughout his 35 years at Magna, Mayer has held a variety of leadership positions, including Senior Vice President for Global Engineering at Magna Powertrain and Vice President for Corporate Engineering and Research and Development. He began his career at Steyr-Daimler-Puch in 1986, which later became Magna-Steyr.
Mayer holds a Mechanical Engineering degree and a doctorate from the Technical University in Graz, Austria.
Zum Thema:
Vier Entwicklungsschwerpunkte werden die Mobilität der Zukunft stark beeinflussen:
- Elekrification – die Elektrifizierung des Antriebes
- Autonomy – die Automatisierung im Fahrbetrieb
- New Mobility – neue Formen der Fortbewegung, speziell im urbanen Bereich
- Connectivity – die Fahrzeugvernetzung
Im Vortrag wird auf diese Entwicklungen und die damit verbundenen großen Veränderungen in der Fahrzeugindustrie eingegangen.
Ein Prototypenfahrzeug aus dem Hause MAGNA mit neuem Allrad-Antriebskonzept ist im Rahmen des Vortrages ausgestellt.