All Life is Signalling: Die Kraft der Grafik
Der Begriff Biosemiotik versteht alles Leben als biologischen Zeichen- und Kommunikationsprozess. Um noch weiter zu gehen: Auch alle Dinge, jedes Service und natürlich jede grafische Leistung funktionieren nur durch das Zusammenspiel von SenderIn und EmpfängerIn. In solch einer Denkweise steckt enorm viel Verantwortung, denn jede designerische Arbeit — egal ob grafisch, Service- oder Produktbezogen — hat Konsequenzen. In seinem Vortrag verbindet Michael Leube Erkenntnisse der Anthropologie, der Biologie, der Philosophie und Design Thinking, um zu maximal effektiven gestalterischen Leistungen zu
Michael Leube
Dr. Michael Leube, born in Innsbruck, Austria, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. After studying Anthropology and Comparative Religion at the University of California at Berkeley, he returned to Europe and studied at the University of Vienna (Anthropology and Human Biology) and completed his Ph.D. from the University of Zagreb (Anthropology) in 2003.
Michael Leube worked as a journalist as well as on scientific assessments for development work in Guatemala (1999), India and Nepal (2000) and Kenya (2001).
From 2000 to 2013 he lived and worked as an anthropologist in Madrid and taught at various universities such as Universidad Nebrija, Syracuse University, University of California und Saint Louis University. Since 2013, Leube researches and teaches on the interface between anthropology and design. All good design — from industrial products to city planning — must be well adapted on the end user and thus supported by the anthropological sciences. His research focuses on the circular economy, design for social innovation as well as humanitarian design.