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Virtual Open House am 10.12: Masterstudiengänge

Virtual Open House am 3. Juni

Wir laden Sie herzlich am 10. Dezember 2020 von 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr zu unserem virtuellen Open House ein. Lernen Sie unsere Masterstudiengänge in Präsentationen, Interviews oder Probevorlesungen kennen.

Unsere Departments Angewandte Informatik, Bauen, Energie & Gesellschaft, Engineering und Management öffnen virtuell ihre Türen und geben Ihnen interessante und spannende Einblicke rund ums Masterstudium an der FH JOANNEUM. Interessentinnen und Interessenten können direkt über einen Link in die Info-Sessions via Microsoft Teams beim virtuellen Open House einsteigen. Bei der mobilen Version bitte die App „Microsoft Teams“ herunterladen, bei der Desktop-Ansicht den Link direkt im Browser öffnen.


Hier finden Sie auch eine Übersicht der Masterlehrgänge sowie unserer neuen JOANNEUM ACADEMY beim Virtual Open House.

Allgemeine Info-Session

Erfahren Sie alles rund um das Masterstudienangebot sowie das Studieren an der FH JOANNEUM.

Unsere Studienberatungsteam gibt wertvolle Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung und zum Aufnahmeprozess der FH JOANNEUM.

Department Angewandte Informatik


Wir stellen Ihnen unseren berufsbegleitenden Studiengang „IT-Recht & Management“ vor.

Um erfolgreich in der Verteidigung von IT-Systemen zu sein, ist es essenziell zu wissen, welche Gefahren existieren. In dieser Session lernen Sie die Angriffsseite des Studiums „IT & Mobile Security“ kennen: von der Informationsbeschaffung, über die initiale Infektion, bis hin zur Erreichung von Administrationsrechten auf einem System.

Weltweit entstehen pro Sekunde 1.3 Petabyte an Daten. Die Analyse solcher Datenmengen erfordert Methoden aus den Bereichen Machine Learning und Artifical Intelligence, wodurch Data Scientists am Arbeitsmarkt sehr gefragt sind. Erfahren Sie mehr in unserer Info-Session mit den Expertinnen und Experten vom Studiengang „Data and Information Science“!

Department Bauen, Energie & Gesellschaft


Bauen Neu Denken ist das Motto für ein Studium „Baumanagement und Ingenieurbau“. Es wird ein Einblick in aktuelle Themen aus Lehre und Forschung gegeben.

Info-Session focused on the specialisation Energy Technologies.

Energy and Transport Management“ is a work-friendly, English master programme focusing on three future topics: Energy, Mobility and the Environment. In the course of the presentation we will discuss the curriculum with its specialization areas „Energy Technologies“ or „Mobility Technologies”, the wide range of electives, as well as future job opportunities. As climate change and resource scarcity are confronting regions and cities with major challenges for the future, our alumni are in strong demand on the job market. For our international applicants, we will also discuss the advantages of studying in Austria, including information about the application process, tuition fees, instrastructure and campus life.

Info-Session focused on the specialisation Mobility Technolgies.

Students of the master’s degree program „Energy and Transport Management“ will share their experiences of studying in a relaxed interview situation. They will discuss their previous education, specialisation areas, campus life and the application programme. Our students will share their personal experience of studying at FH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg.

Department Engineering


Presentation of the master’s degree programme „Electronics and Computer Engineering“ and answers to the frequently asked questions. We introduce the Degree Program and its curriculum, which makes you an expert in circuit design in analog, digital and power electronics to create the next generation of automotive, mobile, and intelligent devices. We explain the admission requirements and the next steps for your career in the electronics industry.

With the master program „System Test Engineering“ we offer a unique master program tailored to the needs of the electronics and automotive industry. We offer a hands-on program with many project-related and interdisciplinary lectures and exercises in an environment of international companies and start-ups. Our state-of-the-art laboratories and many experts from the industry give our students the best possible practical relevance. Our strategic partners such as ams AG, AT&S, AVL List, Infineon Technologies, Magna International, Advantest Corporation, Akka Technologies and NXP Semiconductors are interested in meeting and supporting students of the System Test Engineering programme.

We present you our master’s degree program „Luftfahrt / Aviation“ and talk about opportunities in Aviation despite the Covid-19 Pandemic and in Light of Sustainability Efforts.

Department Management


Global Strategic Decision Making is a specialisation in Global Strategic Management, formerly: Business in Emerging Markets.

The question that every company asks itself is how to be (and stay) successful on the market. Making the right strategic decisions and having long-term strategies in mind is crucial. In this session you will learn about the work-friendly study track “Global Strategic Decision Making” (Specialisation in the Master degree programme “Global Strategic Management”), in which students will learn how to use strategic tools, how to make decisions in a rational manner, and how to apply the concepts of decision and game theory. Besides a solid and broad education in “Global Strategic Management”, the track especially also incorporates essentials about Business Intelligence and Business Analytics, about Mergers, Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances, and projects with hands-on approaches.

Global Leadership and HR Management is a specialisation in Global Strategic Management, formerly: Business in Emerging Markets.

Human capital has long been identified as one of the most essential forms of capital a company possesses. Organizations strive to find ways for managing human resources and leading employees in a way that fosters their full potential. In this session you will learn about the work-friendly study track “Global Leadership and HR Management” (Specialisation in the Master degree programme “Global Strategic Management”) which aims at providing students with the necessary knowledge about current HR topics and strategic tools for advanced HR Management. Besides a solid and broad education in “Global Strategic Management”, the track especially also includes deep insights into Change Management, Conflict Resolution, and projects with hands-on approaches.

Global Green and Social Business is a specialisation in Global Strategic Management, formerly: Business in Emerging Markets.

Doing business is not always about making profit. Achieving social welfare and improving of the quality of life for future generations is part of a state-of-the-art business world. Resource scarcity forces organizations to strongly incorporate “green goals” in their company policies. In this session you will learn about the work-friendly study track “Global Green and Social Business” (Specialisation in the Master degree programme “Global Strategic Management”), which will provide students with the essential knowledge and strategic concepts of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Besides a solid and broad education in “Global Strategic Management”, the track especially also includes deep insights into natural resources, Corporate Social Responsibility, and projects with hands-on approaches.

Das Studium „International Industrial Management“ bildet die Managerinnen und Manager sowie Entscheiderinnen und Entscheider von morgen aus – Wirtschaft und Technik mit internationalem Input bringt den Erfolg. Die Vertiefungen „Supply Chain Engineering“ und „Smart Production & Services“ bereiten die Absolventinnen und Absolventen auf die unternehmerischen Herausforderungen der Zukunft vor und führen zu Top-Karrierechancen.

Präsentation des neuen Masterstudiengangs „Digital Entrepreneurship“ und Gespräche mit erfolgreichen Start-up-Gründerinnen und Start-up-Gründern.


Eine Übersicher aller Masterstudiengänge finden Sie hier.

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